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The Last Word


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Wow, I've been gone a while.


By the way, 't.i.d.' does mean 'three times a day'. I remember that from a medical terminology class I subbed for years ago. No idea on T-dot, though.


Also, I believe "Six Easy Pieces" is under 300 pages.

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If it's not one thing its another.


Had a cold snap (no snow this time, thankfully) but had a pipe freeze and bust. Again. Since it thawed enough to hear the water on a Friday night, it is now Monday Night/Tuesday Morning and plumber still hasn't gotten back to us.


On top of that, tripped on the cat and rolled my ankle. So I am now on my second day of having a sprained ankle and missing work in the process.


Every time I see the little brat-cat I call her an assassin.


My punishment for naming her "Angel" when she was a kitten, I suppose.

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Quiet, nerd-boy. Or I sic the mini-lop on you.


I'll tell him you're the one who made his Baywatch VHS's obsolete.

I confess I don't get the reference at all, and googling for mini-top just shows skimpy clothing for women.


EDIT: gah, I need new glasses; I saw "top" instead of "lop". Though searching for lop just shows rabbits, not much of an improvement.

Edited by Cancer
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