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I think you'd have the devil's own time setting up a trap like that with permanent magnets, which would tend to become rather tightly attached to each other (and if they didn't start that way, they would tend to crush anything trying to keep them apart) as you tried to bury them. Rather dangerous, I think, considering the strengths of the magnets you'd need to affect someone carrying 20+ kg of iron a meter or so above the ground.

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I think you'd have the devil's own time setting up a trap like that with permanent magnets, which would tend to become rather tightly attached to each other (and if they didn't start that way, they would tend to crush anything trying to keep them apart) as you tried to bury them. Rather dangerous, I think, considering the strengths of the magnets you'd need to affect someone carrying 20+ kg of iron a meter or so above the ground.

You would probably choose one or the other, as you said both would be counter productive; unless you used lots of space, which would in a sense work against what you are trying to achieve -- protect the castle. 


also proves that with a little bit of physics you can go a long way. 

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... Perfectly horrific!

the idea came to me watching Game of Thrones when the Lannister dad approached the castle. I imagined I held the castle and how would i defend it from that huge army with a small army/garrison. the answer was with magnetism. Sometimes the simple answers are most effective. 

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So I started watching Long Kiss Goodnight (LKG) and IMDB tells me that the young girl Yvonne Zima (Caitlin Caine in the film) has a part as Miss Elkridge in Iron Man 3. So I guess Nick Fury was moonlighting as a cop & PI in Long Kiss Goodnight...now I have to find where Miss Elkridge is in IM3...anyone know? 

LKG screenwriter is Shane Black who co-wrote and sole director of Iron Man 3 too...

For fans of Sam: http://www.nytimes.com/.../how-samuel-l-jackson-became...

Still watching and it really is like watching a woman "Jason Bourne" film. Well now we know what happened to Thelma after the end of that film...  And more coincidences: Brian Cox is in LKG and the Jason Bourne trilogy...
"The entire population failed to get out of New Jersey" lol
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