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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


The consensus is that although his theorem has been proven, the thing he thought was a proof mentioned in his famous graffiti wwas in error. That proof he claimed to have found has never been found in any of Fermat's papers, though.

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Re: The Last Word


:confused: After this little troll ...



... you say this?



And then this?



Well, that last one is correct.

:rolleyes: *sigh*


As you well know the first post you quoted was related to a different discussion topic; that being ETs. the second and third ones were related to Fermat, thus unrelated.


On ETs, what I meant is that I'm keeping the info to myself as i doubt you'd believe me anyway. However if you have the inclination you can find it if you so desire.


On Fermat, the posts were a bit of fun and light of spirit and a bit of sarcasm. The second post you quote relates to the difference between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge -- explicit knowledge having use for society as you well know eg academic journals. If no scientist published (explicit knowledge) and kept it all in their heads (tacit knowledge) how does society benefit? Thus if Fermat kept the answer to himself society is worse off until someone else can solve it.


ANd the third quote, this universe of ours has a memory -- a record of past events. If one can tune his/her conscious to the correct frequency can thus pick at this universal database -- thus even if Fermat had the answer and kept it to himself one could still retrieve the answer. And the post had a tinge of sarcasm.

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Re: The Last Word


OK, you hit a hot button of mine while I was in a weakened state (tired and still not fully recovered from whatever-it-was that laid me oug for five days) and I overreacted.


As an example ... I once had a conversation with a retired USAF colonel who swore there were UFOs because of impossible things that they had on radar. But they wouldn't show those radar signs; he'd just seen them. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him that invalidated his case, and couldn't see that his insistence that He Knew Something I Didn't And That Wasn't Going To Change rendered his assertion worthless. There are lots of fringe idiots who who suffer from these delusions of superior secret data, and I've bumped into a few. Usually I can stay civil, but not always.


Data you won't (or can't) share does not exist for the purpose of proving a point to anyone else. Data and evidence must be published so that everyone can see what the data are, and get a free unqualified shot at duplicating it (or failing to duplicate it when that ought to be possible), or debunking it, or finding an alternate explanation or interpretation. Vaporware may boost your stock price, but as used to be apparently a frequently-used remark around here, in science repeated vaporware gets you ignore.

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Re: The Last Word


As i said, it is out there in published form, if you have the inclination you can search for it yourself, and make up your own mind. One reason is that i reckon you'd probably disbelieve it or won't meet your standard of proof.


either way I'm happy. :)

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