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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Who or what is Deepak Chopra?


A cult of personality in the genre of decadent post-philosophical literature.


I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough.






OK, so I had to google him/it, but the question was sincere when I asked it.


I want to be back to where I was before I did that googling.







~ Mister E ("Proof of the power of my striking appearance exists in your inability to unlook at me.")



P.S., *"Un-ask the question."


P.S.S. Again, I apologize.


P.S.S.S. Isn't Modern Western blasphemy a loathsome topic?

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Re: The Last Word


Well, I can give an example.


One day, about 25 years ago, I was in a shopping mall. A kid in his early teens (I think), with a rather bovine look to him (by which I mean: large, beefy, and devoid of intelligence) was walking by wearing a t-shirt that said "EINSTEIN FOOTBALL". (There is an Einstein Middle School in our metropolitan area.)


My response, once I finally was able to articulate it, was, "Thou blaspheme."

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Re: The Last Word


More for Mister E :eg:


Feeling short great expectations


The door is open but I'm locked inside


A leaky heart will hold no water/but a brand new start will set it on fire


Don't look in the mirror and see/all those things you wish you could be/be in peace be yourself


I'm a fossil before him

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Re: The Last Word


fear is the thing you fear the most.


i’m tired of walking in the rain/with clear skies ahead


have no fear, have some faith/you’re never alone/when you’re by yourself


Recall the child in you/You can go your own way/You can learn to touch tomorrow

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Re: The Last Word








Esoteric material pretending to be exoteric.


Reverse-psychology within a cheap post-hypnotic suggestion.


An overly constrictive prescription.


An unenlightening tautology.


No. You are in bad faith. :lol:


If your head needs a bandage/Try a roadhouse open sandwich/Dodge the waitress and hit the road again


Had a friend, I heard she died/On a needle she was crucified


Jesus in the bottom of a bottle, yeah


City life is closing in on me/The way things go, thirty years/Bus timetable’ll be my elegy


I never knew such luxury/Before my verdict fell/Four walls, washbasin, prison bed


Well youth is my advantage/Anonymity my reward/While the world is being measured for a uniform/It's my luxury to be ignored


She played Mozart with my feelings/And havoc with my face


You know man cannot live on/Empty principles alone


And if I don’t hang around/Our old gambling grounds/It does not mean that I’ve forgotten/We believed, and I still do


I don’t have to tell you/How that you should do your job, I don’t want to have to be the one to shock your happy home.


You don’t tell me anything/You just go on and on/And you don’t make no sense


And don’t bother offering to drive me to the station/You’d only drive me round the bend


And who’s gonna judge/The role somebody plays/In someone else’s budget movie

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Re: The Last Word


Well, I catch such missed references both ways. For instance, upstairs in the Math Department there's a faculty member named John Carter. When I append "of Mars" to that, all the students look at me with utter incomprehension.

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