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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


don't know. what i was meaning is that in most basic learning the actual knowledge is simplified so much that it is almost "lying". For instance. Think back to your beginning med classes and the ones you do now. I'm sure the info given to you then was so basic that it "wrong".


And I put science in front of "101" to have a dig a Cancer.

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Re: The Last Word


The hardest part of the 101 course is to make it clear that words like work and energy and momentum and force have very specific meanings in physics, and that if you tend to use those words the same way sports commentators use them, you are in for a Very Rough Time.

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Re: The Last Word


:think: I don't know. It has been a rather cool spring. Things are late in terms of germination and blooming. The Japanese cherry tree in our front yard is only now entering bloom, and that's a month or a bit more later than typical over the last few years. If the summer is cool and wet, that'll make for a lousy season.

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