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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Friday evening was gaming. Saturday I was working (or at least at a workshop). Saturday evening was social. Sunday was as inert as I could get away with (though that included a couple of hours of yard work). Sunday evening was social too, dinner with my sister-in-law and her beau.


In short, I did as little as possible.

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Re: The Last Word


I can't say I'm all that fond of canned spinach. Fresh green leafy spinach is fine. Robin Williams' reaction to spinach is quit good. Popeye's reaction to spinach is IIRC due to a mistake of one decimal place in the reported iron content of spinach.


I've read the original material, and there wasn't much Popeye in it: Olive Oyl... Castor Oyl... Nana Oyl...


[... the,] "intrepid explorer Lubry Kent Oyl. Lubry Kent's gift to Castor and Olive, a lucky Whiffle Hen, led them into the adventure where they met Popeye."



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Re: The Last Word


A side effect of my peripatetic upbringing is that the expression "You can't go home again" tends to be more literally true for me than the expression originally intended. In terms of revisiting old favorite entertainments, this is a good thing.

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