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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Depends on what I do with four assignments he turned in way too late, and if I put in a weighting term on the time derivative of his exam scores. 72 of 100 on the first mid-term (pretty good); 27 of 100 on the second mid-term (really bad), and four mercy points out of 140 on the final. He blew off my class, and I want to crucify him for it.

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Re: The Last Word


Unless the weather forecast is really favorable, AND the meteor shower forecast is for something special, I don't even try for winter meteor showers. The odds are so poor, and the payoff so modest. Our cloud cover is so ubiquitous during the November through March season that it's foolish to make such plans here. Sure, it's worth peeking out the windows every now and then, but not much more dedicating planning than that.

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Re: The Last Word


I've had more than a few observation plans skronked by weather, up to and including entire 4-night runs where I never opened the dome. And I'm a spectroscopist, and we're pretty tolerant of adverse weather as groundbased astronomers go. I've known photometrists who bailed on night 2 of a ten-night run. Now, that last was right after El Chichón erupted and put an unholy bunch of junk onto the stratosphere and spoiled the ultraviolet transparency of the atmosphere for months....

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