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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Well, I'm old and cynical, and as near as I can tell, the purpose these days of market research is NOT to find out what the public wants so you can make a new product and cash in on that. There's risk involved there. No, the purpose of market research these days is to find out what already exists that people like, so you can hold it for ransom and jack up the price they have to pay to get it, and find out what they hate, so you can hold them for ransom and make them pay to avoid it. In either case, it involves much less risk than doing something new, and it brings in a new or larger revenue stream.


The only new products that come out now have their prices so high only rich neophiles and slave-to-cool-fashion idiots and teenagers buy them, whether the product is any good or not. So the price is always ridiculously high, because all of those groups pay approximately no attention to the cost of the new stuff they are infatuated with, so might as well gouge for as much as possible before the cheap knock-offs hit the street and kill your market share, or alternately, the engineering studies you've been suppressing come out and your new product is found to be intensely hazardous, produced in grossly illegal/unethical ways, or absolutely ineffective at whatever it was marketed to do.


So, I've started giving sabotaging answers whenever I am asked for market research info.

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Re: The Last Word


Depends on who's doing the judging' date=' and most of those seem to dwell on the negatives.[/quote']


Mind you, I'm grading the exam question drawn from the outside reading, and it's very apparent that a number of folks didn't do said outside reading....

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Re: The Last Word


No; this one is actually fairly easy to spot and mark. I can be annoyed about the folks who didn't do the reading, but the BS attempts are easily dealt with.


The real reason to be cranky now (it's midday as I type this) is the sad situation I mentioned in the cranky thread, and the coincidence that my feet are sore because of a new pair of shoes.

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