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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


"If simple perfect laws uniquely rule the universe, should not pure thought be capable of uncovering this perfect set of laws without having to lean on the crutches of tediously assembled observations? True, the laws to be discovered may be perfect, but the human brain is not. Left on its own, it is prone to stray, as many past examples sadly prove. In fact, we have missed few chances to err until new data freshly gleaned from nature set us right again for the next steps. Thus pillars rather than crutches are the observations on which we base our theories; ..."


Martin Schwarzschild, An introduction to the theory of stellar structure and evolution, 1958.

"Mr Martin Schwarzschild, is consciousness, part or apart of the universe?"


Oh, and I agree with the general gist of what he says...mostly. I like the first part "If simple perfect laws uniquely rule the universe, should not pure thought be capable of uncovering this perfect set of laws...".

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Re: The Last Word


For the most part' date=' I agree. for the difference refer to two CEOs: Mr Jobs vs Mr Ballmer. Both are not engineers, one gets it (Jobs), the other is clueless (Ballmer).


Ballmer is a marketing type. As someone once said, when the marketing types take over, whatever technical superiority you may once have had is forever lost.

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Re: The Last Word


Ballmer is a marketing type. As someone once said' date=' when the marketing types take over, whatever technical superiority you may once have had is forever lost.[/quote']


That may be true for 99% of companies. Lucky for Apple they survived the CEOs: Scully, Spindler, Amelio. No all were marketing types, but then again, not really technical people either.


Jobs is lucky in that regard. He himself is not necessary a technical person (remember Woz built the early stuff), but Steve was there at the birth of the PC industry* which was filled with technical people. Also Pixar and NeXT were technical companies. Next didn't get their marketing right and were eventually bought by Apple, and Pixar was a group of computer graphic scientist that Jobs bought of Lucas and turned it into a smash-hit movie studio.


*it was Steve's suggestion to Woz that they sell his personal computer dubbed the Apple I -- the computer that birthed the partnership/company that birthed personal computer industry that we know today.

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Re: The Last Word


Jobs' failures at NeXT taught him a lot of important lessons that he hadn't learned while building Apple and the PC industry. In my opinion, the fact that Jobs ran NeXT into the ground was the very thing that led to him being successful with Pixar and upon his return to Apple.



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Re: The Last Word


Has anyone besides me noticed that the conversations over here and the conversations on the Longest Thread Ever and kind of indistinguishable, and often overlapping?




Everything can go in the Longest Thread, by its nature. Provocative non sequiturs I try to post there. And, no one keeps score there.


This one, by its nature, is just a sniping contest.


Besides, lots of NGD blurs across boundaries. We strive harder to be as content-free as can be attained.

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