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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Yeah, I know lots who are that way, keeping strict indoor cats. We've never been among them. (When I've lived in apartments, I've never had a cat.) I think that one was the only cat we've lost in that way. The others have succumbed to old age or medical problems; one or two we've had to sell or give away when we left the country. (Taking a cat to Europe was a lot more difficult in the 1960s than it is today.)

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Re: The Last Word


This one for Cancer:


You are a science teacher in a Jesuit school, correct? Cause I just finished reading a book harmonizing science and religion, bringing them together in a new "super-paradigm". As such, both science and religion are now equal peers. Their meeting place, ie, the point where they come together...is consciousness.


addendum: thanks for mentioning the book "Godel, Escher, Bach" cause it's author was listed in the review from Publishers Weekly (see amazon link). An easy ready and one you may find interesting.

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Re: The Last Word


As the theologists and philosophers here never tire of telling us, science is sharply limited in its ability to understand reality. I assume they would include consciousness in that bailiwick. The College of Science & Engineering here is something of a stepchild at the university; it's needed because the health professional types need a strong science curriculum in order to make it into their postgraduate programs, but the left-brain types are not where the university puts its emphasis. They are more into moral and social education, and physical reality seems to provide more inconveniences to them than anything else.


(I will admit it's a step up from the state schools, in which those in charge really don't give a rat's a$$ about any form of academics.)

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