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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Siegfried bites you ... gently, just enough so you know he did it ... when he's hungry and he thinks you're not paying attention to him. He also tends to bite you on the outer seam of your pantleg, calf height. Rather disconcerting the first few times he does it. With him, tail-lashing is an indicator of serious annoyance not related to physical discomfort (in fact, I think it's reserved for affronts to dignity, now that I think of it).

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Re: The Last Word


Herc bites when he wants to be petted, sometimes. He doesn't break the skin, and it feels like more of a pinch than a bite. But it's startling, and not behavior we want to encourage. So I howl with pain as if it's the worst thing, ever. It at least elicits an interesting reaction out of him. He goes from attention-starved to Rather Concerned.

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Re: The Last Word


We transported two cats this weekend. Both are Calicos with attitude and we had them in crates. In moving one to her travel crate, she ripped the hell out of my arm with a artful display of being able to turn around in one's skin. I really should have my coffee before trying that with reluctant cats.


The other cat was going in the van with us. When we got to LA, I was changing her water when she slashed my hand open. After that, I used the kevlar gloves when reaching in her cage for any reason.


Both settled down in their homes and are doing very well after just a couple days. They were both reacting poorly to confinement.

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Re: The Last Word


Assuming we move before Hobbes dies, it'll be interesting to see how he reacts to it. We make it a point to take the kittens in the carrier on trips to get them used to it in a context other than misery (i.e. vet visits). I don't think Hobbes has been in one for quite some time, though. And Felix hates the carrier with blind rage, but he's only been in one for vet visits, I think.

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Re: The Last Word




The latest news? We've caught a cat that isn't ours twice. Same cat both times. I'm thinking that cat has something to do with Herc's lack of return to the house.


Frustrating. Too noisy during the day to hear if he's meowing or for him to brave the open, and it's too dang dark at night to see where he is. (He's a black cat.) So all we can do is hope he'll come back. :(

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Re: The Last Word


I had both Felix and Hobbes try sharing my lap last night while I was at the computer desk. Both were too stubborn to let the other one have it to himself. It didn't work well. Felix is medium-sized, Hobbes is a bit taller & longer but hasn't filled out yet. It was a bigger load than was the larger of the two Doofus Brothers, the departed Loki, who was a 20-pounder.

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Re: The Last Word


... hoping for catgirls would be an indicator I was in an altered state of mind. Now, with the fever over the last few days, I've been reminded both of what that's like, and that it is by no means a necessarily pleasant thing.

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