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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Um. I don't know. Why? :confused:


I don't know the answer just that it (and by it I mean a prominent circle within Elizabethan England) planned it that way. As Cancer says:


There are many answers to that question' date=' ranging from "It never has" to "It never has, because it never had any". [/quote'] I would point out from only one excerpt from a book(1) I read said it did but concede that the two movements (well maybe 3) have drifted on their own course. All are still present within Western society, science being a given.


(1) I author I presume is an expert as he has written a number of book directly focusing on this time-period from different angles.

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Re: The Last Word


I will say this: ethical decisions are much easier to second-guess after the fact because of the interconnectedness of knowledge. For a long time, stellar astronomy ... simply measuring properties of stars, like their brightness and color ... was, indirectly, contributing to nuclear weapons research, because stellar evolution and structure were valid tests of the codes developed to model H-bomb blasts.

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Alice, you might want to skip this post. ;)


Hm' date=' there's some historical analysis there that I'm not comfortable with. It'd be interesting to see what the Jesuits over in the Philosophy Department would say about it.[/quote']


By all mean go ask, I love to know what they would say. I would be naturally reserved in their opinion was the author is a Mason and I'm pretty sure the Society of Jesus don't hold Freemasonry is good light.


The web page is a 5 page extract from a 300+ page book and the author wrote extensively of the era as an Amazon search will reveal. I think he wrote two or three biographies at least and uncovered things rarely spoken of or ackowledged by orthodox history; namely that Sir Francis Bacon was first-born of the Virgin Queen -- she who has no master.


Bacon and friends instituted a complete overhaul of Western society from the dramatic arts (Shakespeare, and possibly Christopher Marlowe and Edmund Spenser; the Hollywood of their era), to science (see below), Rosicrucianism, Masonry, King James Bible (chief editor was Francis Bacon), and philosophy (apparently, Bacon wrote a lot of works pseudo-anonymously). Bacon also held the highest legal office in the land, the Lord Chancellor. Even works like The New Atlantis (which I have read) were written for a particular purpose (and know I don't know the esoteric reason).



The Invisible College was the precursor to the Royal Society. The IC was made up of (Rosicrucian) Masons. Most of the people who founded The Royal Society either were Masons or are suspected Masons (some weren't Masons). Bacon was the Hero of the founders of the RS. Bacon's New Atlantis contains what could be called a precursor to a science research establishment (Solomon's House). Solomon's Temple is key to Masonry. The island that is the setting is called Bensalem (translated as "Son of Peace"? (1)) The precursor to the scientific method is Bacon's method of inductive reasoning published in Novum Organum (the New Organ/Instument) replacing Aristotle's system of logic collectively known as Organum(2).


The New Atlantis also is a synonym-of-sorts for America, and who wrote the key documents of new country? Masons, suspected Masons or those who weren't Masons, in other words culturally the same people that founded the Royal Society.


Hypothesis: It is so hard to believe that the Royal Society was probably set up the physical manifestation of The New Atlantis' Solomon's House?


Conclusion: Is it further hard to believe that there is much more to the circle of people around Sir Francis Bacon than orthodox history or scholarship acknowledges? That this circle put into motion all these enterprises from Bacon's systematic overhaul of western civilization during such difficult times is remarkable, even more remarkable that they still exist today. In many ways I find it sad that these enterprises have lost their remembrance of the intimacy they once shared. Some would argue this is for the better; and I don't dispute that.


(1) This phrase can be found in Luke 10:6

(2) Descartes' Discourse of Method was another key work in the history of the establishment of science. Here I'm acknowledging this fact.

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Re: The Last Word


Well, I try to avoid chasing downers of that sort unless I'm in a robust upbeat mood. And since I'll be gone for the next couple of days on my duty visit to my relatives ... always no small downer in itself ... I wasn't going to go there.

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