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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


I'm tossing up whether to post this or not. Well I'm posting it for my friends. You know who you are. :)


Last night I had what some might describe as a seizure, except I was the only one in the room. I use the word "seizure" as if someone else were to describe it, I'm sure that is the word they would use.


Except I didn't have a seizure, I vibrated rapidly, very rapidly. It was cool, but at the same time really hard to focus on reading my book. which I have now finished. I also noted during my "seizure" that my brow chakra (third eye) was again stimulated.


In case you are worried, don't be it is a natural phenomena, no drugs, no nothing, just reading words on the page to increase my awareness and my capacity to love unconditionally. But _what_ an experience! ;):)


All I have now to read is the appendix of the book, the main part of it is finished. And Oh I definitely plan to read it again, but first I have other books to read. Oooo *giddy* new experiences to come.


The book is Messages from the Hollow Earth. The adventure of your life is just one book away... And you get to meet lots of new friends, albeit invisible to normal human perception.



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Re: The Last Word


Well, considering I was present for a few dozen of them, I considered myself better off if I knew what to expect.


The part that I found the most frightening was the idea of having them in my sleep. Imagine, being in a nightmare, then waking up, seeing that nightmare at the foot of your bed, and being paralyzed by a seizure.



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Re: The Last Word


I did read it. I never heard of any experience or phenomena that sounded like it except a seizure. Even my occasional labyrinthitis-induced vertigo doesn't compare. Difficult to wrap your jaws around something that is that out of ordinary experience.

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Re: The Last Word


I did read it. I never heard of any experience or phenomena that sounded like it except a seizure. Even my occasional labyrinthitis-induced vertigo doesn't compare. Difficult to wrap your jaws around something that is that out of ordinary experience.


true. Which is why I used a common word to describe an uncommon event/activity.

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Re: The Last Word


The best questions are those that are asked by the heart and answered by experience. The worst questions are those that go ignored or are answered by another's truth and not your own. The most important questions are not based upon the mind's intelligence, but upon the soul's ardent purpose.
I'm deliberately not naming who authored the quote but hope you find it inspirational.
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