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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


And this is across the board' date=' in the whole class?[/quote']


Well, lots of people got it right, but I've never encountered as large a fraction of a class who either didn't get the message or didn't take me seriously when, multiple times, I said this sort of question will appear on the exam. It's not that difficult, but if you've never thought about it before you very likely won't be able to cobble up the right answer, either.

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Re: The Last Word


Hmm. Perhaps the Marilyn Shea approach is called for, here.


Marilyn Shea was a psychology professor at UMF. She was known for giving ONLY essay tests, never grading on a curve, and never adjusting grades. I took one class of hers: History of Psychology. I took it during summer session I, because I figured being able to focus on just that one class would make it a bit less grueling.


I did pull off an A in that class, but it was NOT easy. Most of the other students did similarly well. But the trick was to listen closely for the words, "This will be on the test." She never lied about that. What she mentioned after those words was ALWAYS on the test. So you were guaranteed a passing grade on at least that question if you went to class and listened for those words.


I still remember the night Josh and I stayed up until 2 AM together to study for one of her tests, then got up four hours later to study some more. That was how Josh discovered that protein works better than caffeine in waking him up and keeping him awake.

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Re: The Last Word


Hmm. In 101 I give essay tests, but I ALWAYS curve grades, because I've never learned the knack of being able to write questions that give me a reasonable grade distribution without a curve. And I'm reasonably approachable about grade adjustments, though I do need a potent argument.

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