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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Here in the US, change is mostly fomented by people with power in order to extract more money from, and inflict more misery upon, those who are less powerful than they are, especially in social, political, and business contexts. I used to think that it was just the money-extraction piece, but my experience in the big insurance company led me to decide that for those who've clawed their way well up the hierarchy, the misery part is quite literally an important part of why they're there. That realization (among others) has led me to be much more sympathetic toward the Bolsheviks.

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Re: The Last Word


Ok. For a more serious take:


Change for its own sake is usually not all that great. If one is changing things to see if they can be better, I can sympathize, but it depends on why the change.


For instance:

At work, we used to have $40/day for meal expenses just given.


Now it's $30/day, but we have to prove it with reciepts, tape them neatly on a blank sheet of paper, fill out an expense report, and turn them in within ten days.


I now have three expense reports per trip. For Meals, Other expenses, and Hotel. It's amazingly annoying with me going out every weekend.

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Re: The Last Word


With earthquakes, you tend not to get any warning, and so drills are best preparation you can have. When the Nisqually quake happened here in 2001, I ended up having to get out from under my desk (that much I'd retained) and go snatch the emergency situation flyer I kept tacked up above my desk and read it. Since then, I've made a photocopy of the earthquake directions, and taped to the underside of my Designated Hiding Surface so I won't have to move next time.

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Re: The Last Word




I've actually experienced a few earthquakes. Nothing above a 4 on the Richter scale, but we do get them here on the Eastern side from time to time.


The one that happened on the Cape was so slight that the only thing it affected was the washing machine. The thing started to make this awful banging noise, so I went down to check whether the load was unbalanced. It stopped after a bit, so I shrugged and went back upstairs.


I only heard about it the next day.

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Re: The Last Word


There's been three here in Seattle while I was here that happened while I was living here and awake and the quakes were strong enough to notice while they happened. One of those caused one of the very few suspended baseball games in the old Kingdome.

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Re: The Last Word


The Nisqually quake was enough that I don't need to experience any greater ones. It broke one of the skywall windows (which we didn't realize for months) and caused us a little trouble that way. What relieves my curiosity was being on the 14th floor in an office tower during a quake like that, and wondering at the time when and how one would get out if it had been more serious.

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