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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word




Well, Woods Hole (where Robert Ballard did most of his work, before he went off on deep-sea expeditions) is on Cape Cod. The water isn't much clearer, and it's downright dangerous to go offshore diving. They built the canal so ships would bloody well stop sinking on their way south from Canada, Maine and Boston.


I'd imagine that divers might make some interesting finds out there, though.

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Re: The Last Word


I think that diving park in Edmonds is mostly for seeing wildlife; it has definite boundaries which don't go out that far, and it is right next to the big ferry terminal.


We have the Giant Pacific Octopus in Puget Sound, though I gather they strongly prefer to be in very deep water.

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Re: The Last Word


Unless it would have completely striped the cover from the ocean floor in that area, It doesn't make much sense. All the masts, cables, etc. would have made a nice cluttered area, perfect for laying fish eggs.


Whataminute - The wind farm you speak of wasn't the one proposed for near the Kennedy estate would it?

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Re: The Last Word


Wealth and privilege spawn inexcusable selfishness independent of political bent. It's just that the conservative types have managed to get people to believe that it's a legitimate part of what they stand for. And it is a part of what they stand for ... perhaps the only thing they really do stand for.

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