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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


There's some overlap between what I want to eat what they eat, but almost none of that grows in my yard. (When I lived in Austin and there were pecan trees all over, my opinion was different.)


No, I have jaundiced view of them as a homeowner. I think they're annoying little vandals, chewing on all & sundry, leaving nuts in electrical vaults, causing fires and leaks, and so on. And they like stealing the peanuts and sunflower seeds out of the bird feeder. A pity we don't have more hawks in my part of town.

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Re: The Last Word


They are also quite unwelcome.


My first year in NC, my kitchen had an ant infestation, and it just would not go away. The exterminator came by twice a week. Finally, it stopped raining so much, and the ants stopped drowning whenever they tried to fend for themselves. They went away.

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Re: The Last Word


I haven't been told they go through concrete' date=' but the vapor barrier layer that is always put between the concrete and the wood may defeat them.[/quote']

Ah, yes. That would probably do it.


I might be thinking of termites. Which the building I work in is infested with. Ugh.

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Re: The Last Word


I know they aren't the same critter, but the Pacific Science Center has a habitrail-type setup for a colony of naked mole-rats. One of the tubes ends in a block of concrete, which is there so the critters can wear their teeth down. I don't know how often they have to replace that block, or how fast they go through it.

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