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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Well' date=' however they deal with it, it took a while for me to realize the reason and come to expect it.[/quote']

I seem to work in a lot of female majority places. I haven't noticed it where I currently am at, but one job that I was at. 12 women, four guys. The President's wife would complain about the state of the bathroom every &^%$#@! meeting and blame the guys. Specifically me and the other single guy. I had long before started using the public one on the far side of the building... After a few months of this I finally broke and said that maybe if she compared her home's bathroom, she'd be able to tell who the culprit was.


Oh, and there was a definite sync pattern there. My manager was the first, which was good cause she'd warn me. One of my other coworkers would break into crying fits if I said the wrong thing, but I had a couple days before having to worry.

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Re: The Last Word


A real man realizes a woman is in an irrationally bad mood because she's PMSing.


A true gentleman doesn't mention it. ;)

Yeah, and a Real Man can expect to live 7 to 12 fewer years than a woman, too.


I don't think I've ever mentioned it, but I have let it guide decisions about, say, when to stay at the office and work very late and other forms of avoiding face-to-face encounters. Call it hiding if you will, but I didn't sign up to be anyone's chemically-induced emotional scratching post.

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Re: The Last Word


The only odd trivia about same-sex marriage (actually, I don't think WA has same-sex marriage yet) is that it confuses the hell out of the cops when there's a domestic violence call. Here, an arrest MUST be made when a DV call is made from within the household, and essentially the only way the woman gets arrested is when she's found standing over the man's bullet-ridden corpse with two smoking guns. So when there's a DV call from a lesbian household, the cops have to think about whom to haul off for a change. They hate it when you make them think. (For gay male households, they just toss a coin.)

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Re: The Last Word


Well, it was part of a family law overhaul package back in the early 1990s, and the package was badly needed. An acquaintance of mine was driven to suicide by his abusive wife and her exploitation of the old laws.

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Re: The Last Word




This Friday (two days time, not tomorrow but the next day from this post) the office is having an afternoon tea & quiz.


I want to ask you a question that I want to possibly include on the quiz.


The question is this: What is the speed of light?

The four answers are:

a) miles per hour

B) feet per second

c) kilometers per day

d) metres per minute


The only problem is that I don't know the math to convert the speed of light to the above and I'm asking of you could do it for me.

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Re: The Last Word


The question is this: What is the speed of light?

The four answers are:

a) miles per hour

B) feet per second

c) kilometers per day

d) metres per minute

c = 299792.458 km / s


kilometer 2236.9362920544 mile

--------- = --------------------

second hour



kilometer 3280.83989501312 foot

--------- = ---------------------

second second


kilometer 86400 kilometer

--------- = ---------------

second day


kilometer 60000 meter

--------- = -----------

second minute


You'd be much more entertaining if you asked for c in knots, feet per nanosecond (it's very close to 1), or furlongs per fortnight.


Or perhaps liters of beer consumed per square kilometer in downtown Sydney per year. Dimensionally that would work, but I don't know the conversion factor. ;)

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Re: The Last Word


c = 299792.458 km / s


kilometer 2236.9362920544 mile

--------- = --------------------

second hour



kilometer 3280.83989501312 foot

--------- = ---------------------

second second


kilometer 86400 kilometer

--------- = ---------------

second day


kilometer 60000 meter

--------- = -----------

second minute


You'd be much more entertaining if you asked for c in knots, feet per nanosecond (it's very close to 1), or furlongs per fortnight.


Or perhaps liters of beer consumed per square kilometer in downtown Sydney per year. Dimensionally that would work, but I don't know the conversion factor. ;)



So the speed of light could be equal to the number of Aussies drinking beer at midnight Jan 1st? :D That at least would be entertaining. It would be even amusing if that was the correct answer and the other more technical were incorrect (I'd adjust the figures to make them inaccurate). Also I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually thought that and ticked it. :)

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Re: The Last Word


So the speed of light could be equal to the number of Aussies drinking beer at midnight Jan 1st? :D That at least would be entertaining. It would be even amusing if that was the correct answer and the other more technical were incorrect (I'd adjust the figures to make them inaccurate). Also I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually thought that and ticked it. :)


Well, there'd be a conversion factor for that, too. So it'd be couched more like, "If in a square kilometer there are 680 pubs each of which sells 7000 liters of beer in a 12-hour shift, then that's like a lake of beer a kilometer on a side that gets drained at a rate of about 6.6 centimeters per minute. Well, light is about 4500 million times that fast."

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