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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Bazza doesn't know Python?
I've seen plenty of snakes. Met a centipede to, but then realized that picking it up or digging into the snd to find it would not be the best thing to happen.


I wisely let it go away. A couple of years later, killed it's brother, or son or nephew, neice. Well one of them.

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Re: The Last Word


Seriously: Koalas' date=' kangaroos, wombats, bilbys to name a few.[/quote']
And they all carry knives.
well what did you expect from The Australian-Team, they shoot guns too.


"In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Alice Springs underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team."


The Team:

Colonel Kangaroo "Hannibal" Smith

Koala "Faceman" Peck

Captain Bilby "Howling Mad" Murdock

Sergeant Wombat "B.A." Babaracus


Nuff said.

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Re: The Last Word


well what did you expect from The Australian-Team, they shoot guns too.




The Team:

Colonel Kangaroo "Hannibal" Smith

Koala "Faceman" Peck

Captain Bilby "Howling Mad" Murdock

Sergeant Wombat "B.A." Babaracus


Nuff said.



The Six Million Dollar Man could take any job they could and do it better!

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The Last Word




The Six Million Dollar Man could take any job they could and do it better!

Don't you mean the Six Million Dollar Beaver, Colonel Steve "Bucky" Austin?

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Re: The Last Word


Don't you mean the Six Million Dollar Beaver' date=' Colonel Steve "Bucky" Austin?[/quote']

I saw him the other day. He looked a million bucks.


He's really let himself go.


(I stole this lame joke from Eddie Bannon, who also tells it as a lame joke but then bases a very funny skit around it)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The Last Word


I saw him the other day. He looked a million bucks.


He's really let himself go.


(I stole this lame joke from Eddie Bannon, who also tells it as a lame joke but then bases a very funny skit around it)

I remember that the classic rock station here likes to promote Keith Richards' birthday with the same joke every year.


"Happy birthday to Keith Richards. You still look like a million bucks... all green and wrinkled."

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The Last Word


Even I carry one. Who else carries a knofe normally?

I try to. When I worked at the hospital, two things I always had with me were a pocket knife and a mini-flashlight.


Trouble is, now I can't find anything other than my fat, bulky cheapo dollar Swiss Army Knife clone (how cheap? I tried to use the corkscrew on a bottle of wine and TWISTED THE BLOODY CORKSCREW OFF THE KNIFE!)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The Last Word


Oh... I do have one other knife available, but it looks so much like a 50's style switchblade that I think it'd be more politically correct to just buy an Airsoft M-16, remove the orange barrel nub and walk around with it strapped to my shoulders.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The Last Word


I don't carry a weapon' date=' because I have, in the past, had severe anger problems, even getting to the point where I 'black out' and don't remember getting violent. The last thing I need in that case is a sharp object handy to use.[/quote']



I've carried a knife off and on for the past decade and a half.


There was one time I got angry and actually acted out with my knife, but only because I truly didn't appreciate having a rather aggressive "friend" of mine play around with his fixed-blade, 9 inch bowie-style knife and wave it in my face as if he was going to cut me.


I only thought about my own tiny 2 and a half inch Gerber LMF (Light Military Folder) because his ALSO was a Gerber BMK (Big Military Knife). Every other instance, it opened letters, cut string, peeled oranges, sliced apples, carved cardboard, worked as an improvised screwdriver... And in that one instance, I just put a nine inch slice in a ratty old piece of crap chair that had most of its old vinyl peeled off in huge cracked flakes.

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