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Hah! Speaking of books ....


Back in high school (circa 1973) my folks came across a copy of this, bought it and gave it to me. I've kept it ever since, but put it in a box for a while while my kids were ... kids, and when I stumbled over it again a couple months ago decided I ought to make sure this invaluable information was available for everyone, and resolved to have it scanned and posted on a more or less permanent website lest it be suppressed and lost.


Turns out some kindred soul has already done that, which is the link above.


So have fun making napalm (animal blood systems) and all that other stuff, folks!

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On the contrary: I think it liked the attention and the ego-stoking of having it decide what happened to the rest of country.


That's one reason why I am kind of looking forward to global warming and sea level rising to engulf the place. They earned the retribution of the Universe for that.


Now, they're too stupid to recognize cause and effect, but I'm not. Not at all.

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It includes such places, out on the western edge of the Olympic peninsula. Elsewhere, not all that much rain falls. What we have is frequent drizzle and light rain. The heavy downpours that happen over much of the country east of the Rockies, associated with thunderstorms, just don't happen here.

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The region of mountains on the Olympic peninsula, naturally enough, are called the Olympic mountains. Probably not the ones you are asking about.


In Washington, Oregon, and northernmost California, the long range with big volcanic peaks every few dozen km, is the Cascade Range. North of that it merges into the Canadian Rockies; in northern California it splits into the Sierra Nevada inland and the Coast Range right at the Pacific coast. But beyond the limits of the Cascades the volcanic peaks aren't present.

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