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About one third low, one third around the middle, and one third high. Actual spread ... well, 3d6 has about 1/3 of all outcomes on 10 and 11, while 4d6 has about that between 13 and 15. I'm toying with the idea of degrees of success: with 4d6 or 3d8, it'd be three steps per degree; that is, an outcome, after modification as per usual, of 13-15 would be Succes of Degree 0, 16-18 Degree 1, and so on. I picture in my mind a generic version of the Skill Rill tables from Rolemaster.

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I guess I'm asking what you want to accomplish. Do you want greater gradation in the magnitude of low-probability successes or failures? (I can imagine this if you want to differentiate "You blow your hand off" failures from "You blow your neighborhood up" failures, e.g.) Or do you want want to diminish the effects of skill adds, assuming that one skill add moves the final result by one in outcome.

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What I really want is a bit more differentiation between characters' abilities than in vanilla Hero, while keeping a bell curve and not rolling too many dice. DEX 8 and DEX 12 both have a 11- roll, while an Olympic gymnast "just" adds two to the roll. It's fine with the span of DEX you get in Super campaigns, but a bit constricting in Heroic and Normal campaigns. In the system I'm fiddling with, a "doubling" of, say, strength would be three pips, whilst under Hero, it's just one (or two, for Normal STR Damage).

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