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Conversion problem for my students:


The intelligent life forms found on the planet Blorak have six fingers and three arms, so they count by sixes and eighteens.  In their currency, there are eighteen Blorak pence in a Blorak shilling, and six Blorak shillings in a Blorak pound.  How many Blorak pence are there in a Blorak 54-pound note?  (3 points)

"Irrelevant, because unlike the British they did the sensible thing and converted to the Euro in 2002."

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Conversion problem for my students:


The intelligent life forms found on the planet Blorak have six fingers and three arms, so they count by sixes and eighteens.  In their currency, there are eighteen Blorak pence in a Blorak shilling, and six Blorak shillings in a Blorak pound.  How many Blorak pence are there in a Blorak 54-pound note?  (3 points)




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Schrodinger's Frankenstein Monster. Is he alive or dead?




Pedantically in a different way, he is most conveniently described in terms of a pair in a set of quantum states which, when you force the issue of projecting them suddenly into the different quantum basis set of alive or dead, the probability of his resolving into (e.g.) the alive state is a function of time, and one could in principle force that resolution at the moment when that probability is 50%.

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Pedantically in a different way, he is most conveniently described in terms of a pair in a set of quantum states which, when you force the issue of projecting them suddenly into the different quantum basis set of alive or dead, the probability of his resolving into (e.g.) the alive state is a function of time, and one could in principle force that resolution at the moment when that probability is 50%.


So it is a matter when we look i.e. focus on it which determines the state? 

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So it is a matter when we look i.e. focus on it which determines the state?


Schrodinger's original (intended to be dismissive) argument, involving the cat, is that when you seal the box, the cat's status is most conveniently expressed as a mixture of dead and alive states, whose relative proportions change with time. What you get when you open the box is still probabilistic, and you know nothing until you open the box. His focus on choosing the time when the amplitudes of alive and dead to be equal was made as an argumentation tactic, to highlight what he considered to be absurd.

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The point would be that Schrödinger thought the cat would be either alive or dead, not both a once. It's to illustrate that macro objects do not follow the quantum rules of atomic and subatomic particles. There are experiments under way that try to find the cut-off level, but I haven't heard of any results yet.

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