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The joke growing up in Colorado was that we had four seasons: winter, June, July, and August. And yes, I've seen snow in Colorado in each of the other nine months. My freshman year in high school, we were without electricity for nearly a week in May due to a blizzard.


Here in Utah, the joke is that we have two seasons: winter and road construction.

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Hotel lobby goes under the sea


This hotel gives the phrase “sleeping with the fishes” a whole new meaning. The Radisson Blu hotel in Berlin is home to the AquaDom, an 82-foot high aquarium that holds more than one million litres of water. 


By aquarium standards, this is pretty impressive. But what makes it even cooler is that guests can ride an elevator that runs through the center of the tank - sure beats boring elevator music!



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His famous quote, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Everyone now thinks it's generous, self-effacing. It is actually a really snotty remark. He said it in a letter to Robert Hooke. Supposedly, Hooke was a hunchback.

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