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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


useless fact/trivia of the day (my research from looking at official financial reported data):

Jan-Mar 2001 - Google's revenue was 8.58 Billion

Jan-Mar 2011 - iPhone unit sales was 12.298 Billion


iPhone business is 1.43 times bigger than Google, (all of Google's business).



Google founded: 1998

Iphone went on sale: 2007

Google had 9 year head start.

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Re: The Last Word


Well, this one was not a surprise, either. Some time ago, on the order of a year or two, he was told that he wasn't a good candidate for the heart surgery that was the only answer to the condition he had. That more or less set the clock running fast on when heart failure would claim him.


Last June just about the entire clan converged on his place for his 80th birthday, and a good time was had, but I think everyone knew it was going to be the last gathering for that generation. Being a family member by marriage I took lots of pictures (which I loaded onto a thumb drive and sent for Christmas last year, and a duplicate of that drive was sent over with my wife), since there were relatively few people I had much in common with so I could wander about and shoot pics; I am reasonably sure I got more than anyone else, and I've spread them as broadly through the family as I can.

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Re: The Last Word


... and in the bin of events so completely random I could never imagine this happening, I had a former student ask me if I could be an actor in a short film project for a class of hers (and there's a short deadline) ... playing an aging pastor who preaches to an empty congregation. No speaking part for me, but a series of non-dialog scenes.


This is random because

  • I don't think I've done any acting since ... 8th grade? I did a little drama tech my senior year of high school, but otherwise, no performing arts except a single intentionally offensive male vocal ensemble as an undergrad.
  • I am not a churchgoer; the only non-wedding service I've attended in the last 35+ years was one where my grandmother wanted all her grandchildren to go with her one morning).
  • I don't think I've ever been even passingly acquainted with a clergyman of any flavor.
  • My calendar is completely jammed for the next week between labs, grading, and my son's 16th birthday next Monday (which is a US holiday).
  • If my sister-in-law knew I'd done any drama involvement at all she'd skin me ... she is very, very involved in a local semipro theatre.


I told her if come next Tuesday she's desperate she could shoot me an email, but until then I just don't have the time.

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