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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


See "cardinality". ;)



In mathematics, the cardinality of a set is a measure of the "number of elements of the set".


if that is the case eternity must be the thing enclosing or encompassing the set, eg if our universe is a set (even if an infinite set) then there must be something that exists enclosing as well as encompassing the universe (which would be vis-a-vis the brackets). These brackets can be vis-a-vis eternity itself ('capital E' Eternity) or just a set enclosing another set. Posit: That 'capital E' Eternity would have to exist within all sets (and sets of sets) -- that is both within and without the set simultaneously -- eternity being endless duration and presence. Endless, that brings something else up.


As Cancer says (or implies, either directly or indirectly) that cardinality can be fixed or unfixed ie infinite. Lexically eternity is "infinite or unending time". So what is this exactly. Something within the set that has no beginning or ending, or something existing independent of the set itself. IT is the later that I have termed 'capital E' Eternity but this distinction just occurring to me. So Cancer can indeed be right in the former context, and arguably the later too, though that is betting more philosophical.


Tamam Shud.

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Re: The Last Word


As the year progressed The Sunsets, now immersed in the blossoming psychedelic scene, reinvented themselves as Tamam Shud. Their new name was a Persian phrase meaning "the very end", which was taken by Bjerre from the closing words of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam


Just in cause you didn't pick up the inside joke/pun. Or if you don't appreciate my wit. :winkgrin:

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Re: The Last Word


With the holiday season (and my birthday) approaching, I've decided to to put my books and movies wishlist up on Amazon.


Now I just need to find a polite way of letting my friends and relatives know how to find it and use it (namely, the priorities list - my "Highest" Priorities are HERO 5th edition books I don't yet own; lowest are DnD and Sword and Sorcery monster manuals; somewhere in the middle are the John Ringo books I do not yet own and various movies I used to own on VHS but have not gotten on DVD)

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Re: The Last Word


Oh how fun...


Not really. I hate road trips.


I like them. I was only gone ten days, spent one night in Albuquerque (great vegan Thai place for dinner), then four in Austin where I saw the bats at Congress bridge, then four days at a Five Year Katrina reunion in New Orleans. Couple days to drive back. I had originally planned to go up via Denver, but decided to go home for a bit. In eight days, I drive to Portland, but this time my wife comes with. After Portland, a week at Brieghtenbush, a natural hotsprings retreat. Looking forward to it a lot.


Obligatory photo: Just a neighborhood I visited since one cat still at Best Friends was from this street area. It looks a lot better than it had five years ago. (Other neighborhoods, not so much)


Saigon in New Orleans by lemming552, on Flickr

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