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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


In 2001, we moved back from Pullman to our old house in Seattle. (We'd rented it out for the four years we'd been over in eastern WA.) At the time, we had three cats: Critter, who was in her late teens and had lived in the Seattle house with us for the two years we'd had it before we moved east; and the two Doofus Brothers who were not quite 2 years old and had only known the one Pullman house. The youngsters were very unhappy and hid behind stuff for most of a week. Critter got out of the carrier, and her attitude seemed to be "Hmf. This place again. About time." and went on as if she'd never been away.

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Re: The Last Word


In 2001' date=' we moved back from Pullman to our old house in Seattle. (We'd rented it out for the four years we'd been over in eastern WA.) At the time, we had three cats: Critter, who was in her late teens and had lived in the Seattle house with us for the two years we'd had it before we moved east; and the two Doofus Brothers who were not quite 2 years old and had only known the one Pullman house. The youngsters were very unhappy and hid behind stuff for most of a week. Critter got out of the carrier, and her attitude seemed to be "Hmf. This place again. About time." and went on as if she'd never been away.[/quote']


I adopted out four cats this last weekend. During the home deliviries, one cat immediately started looking around like she owned the place. Two were too busy smacking each other (brother and sister), and the fourth was nervous about the other pets, but was fine while being held. So slow intro's on the last three, but it should work well

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Re: The Last Word


I admit I get curious about the kittens we've fostered, but they've all been good ones by the time we're done with them. The only unhappy case is the one who died of a congenital defect a month or two after we gave her to my sister-in-law.

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Re: The Last Word


Herc and Risu are fine. They were none too happy about the drive up, but they were pretty happy to be out of the carriers. Herc hid in the cellar for several hours, then emerged, explored, and settled in.


Puff and Pixel, however . . .


They're the ones our roommate owns, and they're still quite upset about the whole thing. We're shutting them up with their owner at night, now, which seems to make them a little less upset. But they hiss at me and Josh, and yowl like hellcats if Herc or Risu try to make friendly overtures. Herc ignores them, but Risu insists on trying to play. Puff seems somewhat receptive to this, but gets randomly upset when he realizes he's fraternizing with the enemy. Pixel just watches Risu from a high perch, and hisses at her if she gets too close.


Our roommate has apologized profusely for her cats. To this, Josh and I can only shrug and tell her it's not her fault. Meanwhile, we give the stranger-cats their space, and try to be nonthreatening.

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Re: The Last Word


The amount of time it takes for cats to get used to new humans and new cats really varies. Siegfried is an old grump; it takes him a couple of months, which means he never gets used to kittens. Felix is flighty, and while he doesn't growl, he doesn't stick around. Hobbes welcomes new playmates.


With the first litter we fostered (with the just astonishingly nice momcat Charlotte), an incident right before we sent them back to the shelter for adoption tells the story with Siegfried. Charlotte & kittens had the run of the house in that final week or two. One weekend something was going on (IIRC we were bringing in groceries and a bag split just after crossing the threshold: much noise and uproar), which brought everyone to the living room to see what was up. Siegfried stood there taking it in; Charlotte came up behind him, sniffed his rump, and then she too watched the humans pick up fallen cans. Siegfried looked over his shoulder at her, then turned back to watch people, then turned back to her again, gave a very short growl, and then went back to watching people for the duration. It was like, "Oh yeah, nearly forgot. Gr." The closest thing to a pro forma growl I've ever seen.

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Re: The Last Word


Heh. I've a feeling we'll be seeing that sort of reaction from Pixel and Puff in a month or two. But our roommate sequestering them in her room with her every night seems to be helping.


Josh tells me he saw Puff and Risu playing with one another tonight in the kitchen. They stopped when we snuck in to watch, then Puff stalked away with his tail furiously whipping to and fro. This, of course, only made us laugh.

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