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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Oh and scientists have had belief in god and angels etc but as far as I know, none have charted that space like one finds in books on mysticism. Newton was one who straddled both "worlds".


There is nothing that precludes scientists from being mystics and vice versa. A scientist would typically be predisposed to ask the mystic for testable evidence of their experiences/conclusions etc.


There's a couple of biographies of Robert Oppenheimer you might pick up and read.

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Re: The Last Word




But the text color is TEAL? Ugh.


Let's just settle this now.


Deer. Do, a deer, a teal-ish deer.


Hmm. I wonder what the breath weapon of a teal dragon would be. Feathers? Stinky cheese fumes? Right-wing wacko campaign literature? Rock salt (as from a shotgun)? TCMP audits? Flat beer? Starling guano? Gender change? Itching powder?

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Re: The Last Word


Especially so since teal is something of a joke in our family ... my brother claims the color does not exist, because whenever he points something out as teal, his wife says, "No, that's _________", naming another color (green, turquoise, azure, ultramarine, ....) So there's an extra hint there that it's going to be hard to pin down.

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Re: The Last Word


Oh, there's an RGB code for teal on a display screen, but that's a terribly restricted subset of color space which can't be taken seriously outside its rather limited context. RGB values describe only a small, triangular region in the chromaticity diagram.


There's a depiction of that region here, but I think they are way too generous in where they draw the boundaries of the triangle. NFW does RGB = (0,0,255) accurately mimic monochromatic 468 nm light.

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Re: The Last Word


Teal being a mixed (rather than monochromatic) color, of course there's no such thing as a teal laser, unless you mean specifically an optical-wavelength energy carbine for duck hunting. Interesting concept; it'd make hunting in poor weather much more difficult, since the water droplets would scatter/diffuse the energy pulse. OTOH, no windage.

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Re: The Last Word


Not in ideal conditions. Remember, you only see a directed energy beam if (1) it's passing through a medium that's scattering it profusely, or (2) it's ionizing the medium it's passing through and the plasma channel made thereby is fluorescing. In either case you're losing LOTS of power out of the beam. In the second case you're probably also giving yourself one hell of a burn, unless you've got major protective gear in place.

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Re: The Last Word


OK. Sunday morning I wake up about 830 am and a few minutes later the power goes out due to the storm moving thru the area (Ike's remnants). I lay ack down and re-wake up at 11 am, to find power is not out, but we are in sever brown out conditions. None of teh major appliances, or computers will work. And since we have our own pump, no water when we have no electricity.


We finally get power back about 145pm yesterday. but I had to work, so only now am I catching up on email and the boards.

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