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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Well, bummer. I have a lot of vacation time saved up, my wife doesn't. She said I should take some time off and I hadn't thought about it, but GenCon is this month. Unfortunately, the same weekend I need to be at a work event.


So now I need to decide what to do with 60 hours of PTO...

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Re: The Last Word


The last time I played a game was on All Fools Day, a bit more than five months before I got married. I tore a calf muscle and was taken to the hospital. My fiance was Not Amused. But worse, the anti-inflammatory they gave me tore hell out of my stomach lining and gave me an ulcer, and I ended up having to forswear all alcohol all summer so that it'd be back in shape to take the champagne toast come September.

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