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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Yes, 14th floor. I think the building goes up to 30 or so. And while I took the stairs down many times, I never took the stairs up; the way the security badge system worked, there were a number of one-way gates as you went downstairs and out to the street.

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Re: The Last Word


Well, for a while there, on doctor's orders, I was trying to get in an hour's walk 3 days a week, and I would have preferred to start/end it with the stairs. The ending part wasn't possible because of the security gate thing, so I'd stair down, walk around downtown for the rest of the hour, and take the elevator back up. Didn't have any choice.

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Re: The Last Word


During the Loma Prieta earthquake, I was on the third floor when I noticed a tree outside my window, that I normally couldn't see. It kept bobbing into view. That got me to take it seriously.


Immediately afterwards, one of my coworkers raced out of the office. Took a second to realize why, he had just bought a motorcycle. It was fine, apparently the bike just kept wacking the pavement with the kickstand. His brother's bike did the same thing across town.

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Re: The Last Word


Depends on the scale. For small ones, you're quite right. For the big ones ... which go on for quite long enough for you to become quite scared ... it's different.


I understand your perspective, though. For much of my life I was fascinated by tornadoes and wanted to see one. When in grad school in Austin, I did see one. Sometime I'll tell that story.

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Re: The Last Word


The tornado incident started with watching a football game on TV, then the alert slider bar comes on, with the message "There is a tornado on the ground moving west along 51st Street." At that time, we were living on the west end of 51st Street in a student-slum apartment.


So what'd we do, the kid from the West Coast and the kid from Easthampton, Mass.? We went out to the parking lot to see it, of course.


We got out there (with a bunch of other idiots from other parts of the world) and watched the funnel disappear back up through the cloud deck.


There was a lot of trash floating around up there, and then we identified one leaf-looking piece to be a freeway sign ... the kind that spans all four lanes. Collective double-take among the gawkers.


A minute after that there were no idiots standing out in the parking lot gawking....

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Re: The Last Word


They're probably similar. I have seen some chain lightning touch down during a thunderstorm up North, but it's rare. Most of it just appears as little flashes of lighting in the clouds every half-minute or so.


Here, it's a constant barrage, trees get split in half, there are branches everywhere when it's done . . . Oh, and the rain!


It's awesome, but I wouldn't dare go walking in one unless I absolutely had to.

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Re: The Last Word


We get a lot of rain, but not much lightning. Lots of moisture off the Pacific, and not much solar heating as it passes over ground.


Puget Sound being a huge fjord with mountains on both sides, the mountains cut up the wind patterns so nothing gets big & organized, too.

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