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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


I put some signs up on my flickr site, but I really wish I had taken a picture of this one:



It won't help your directional sense at all since it's on a North-South section of road...

I don't have a pic, but the wikipedia entry mentions it:


Directional signs on Route 28 on Cape Cod are continuously marked as North-South, which is confusing for unfamiliar drivers. One travelling on Route 28 southbound is actually going northeast from Falmouth to Mashpee, east from Mashpee to Chatham, and north from Chatham to the Orleans-Eastham border. In fact, where Route 39 hits Route 28 in South Orleans, the directions on Route 28 are unsigned, since otherwise a driver heading north on 39 North and wishing to continue north into Orleans Center might inadvertently follow 28 North south to Chatham.


donthave thatone' date=' sry[/quote']

You're FAR better off. Trust me.

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Re: The Last Word


Well, mapquest and google both pull their map information from navtech. They do a fairly decent job, but there's always something that is just plain wrong. My wife worked for navtech and we still have a good friend there. We send him bits like that all the time. If it concerns his area, he finds it helpful, if it's someone else's problem, he likes pointing it out. :sneaky:

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