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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Power in physics is use of energy over time: P = W/t (unit is Watt (W), or Joules per second (J/s)).


Power in the psychosocial context is the ability to get other people to do what you want.

here is Cancer's post:
Well' date=' I wouldn't actually call taking a physics exam a "power trip".[/quote'] and energy is E = mc^2. Ergo (or Ego) a physics exam is:



Energy for exam = memorization of facts X cheating ^2.

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Re: The Last Word


From http://www.ithadtobeyou.net/carpe/archives/2003_02.html, and you have to scroll down to "Advice for Undergraduates"....



Part 4 - Cheating


#1. Don't EXPECT to be able to cheat.


#2. You may feel that it is your right or even your duty to cheat on multiple choice exams. Professors don't share this sentiment.


#3. Don't write cheat notes on anything that can be easily identified as belonging to you, such as a favorite baseball cap. You can't write enough on there to make it worth the risk anyway.


#4. If you secretly copy some notes onto a desk for the purposes of cheating, make sure to do it in erasable pencil, and don't forget to erase it after you get up to turn in the exam. Since professors who have fallen victim to this will typically perform a "desk check" prior to exams, you'll probably either be caught or too stressed to concentrate anyway.


#5. Most professors think that burning at the stake is too lenient a punishment for cheating, but they'll go along with it anyway because it is cheap and convenient.


#6. If you've cheated at some point during the semester and your parents don't know about it, be sure to avoid any kind of formal grade appeal situation in that class. It is certain to be the first thing brought to the attention of your parents.

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Re: The Last Word


In my field, grad school -- after the first year or two -- really is more like an apprenticeship than a specific curriculum. You hitch up with an adviser who makes sure your background is adequate for what you want to do, and then sees to it that you have the (intellectual) tools and raw ability to succeed. Cheating in grad school is more of a personal betrayal than just cheetin' in skool. Not saying it never happens, but it's a different sort of thing IMO.

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Re: The Last Word


I never cheated in college, though one professor had the exact same routine every semester, so everyone knew what to expect.


He was also the one who wanted to throw me out of college for cheating. Turns out if one person is taking the class and another is auditing the class, they better not have the same name. He never apologized for it though he did say I could come back to class. 25 years later and it still bugs me.

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