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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


OddHat just got over a cold with fever and my Dad has had a bad one since about 12/27. My Mom says he's getting better though. They had to cancel all their New Years plans. I just keep telling myself I don't want a cold, have no time for one and refuse to have one and so far I've escaped OddHat's.

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Re: The Last Word


I've been having severe pain in the right side of my face. Sometimes it feels like my jaw, sometimes it feels like my teeth. Could be an ear infection; could be tooth-related. I haven't a clue, but I'm not sleeping well.


Looks like it'll be the emergency room for me. It's like daggers in my jaw every time I eat, lately. I can't not eat.

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Re: The Last Word


Yeah. It's not knowing the cause that's made me wait this long. I've had a sometimes ache in my jaw that I thought was tooth-related, but I had no dental insurance so I could check. And it kept going away. And I'd just had all of my dental work taken care of over the summer, so that they could've missed a cavity that would've gotten that bad that quickly was such a remote possibility that it seemed worth it to ignore.


But now it's shooting pain every time I eat, and it's waking me up in the middle of the night, especially when I sleep on that side, which makes me think perhaps it's an ear problem that is only getting worse as I ignore it. Because most of the pain is near my ear, now.


Or maybe it's a shifting-about of twelve-year molars that never fully emerged before now. I have been noticing that those are breaking through my gums.


Only one way to find out. But the idea that I'll have to pay the tremendous copay on visiting an emergency room, THEN pay to see the dentist . . . argh.

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Re: The Last Word


Well, it's been narrowed down to a dental issue, so I scheduled a dentist's appointment for today. The pain meds they gave me, so I can eat without having to pause between bites to lie down, make me extraordinarily drowsy. So Josh will be driving me to my appointment. He's called in late to work.


Hopefully whatever it is will be addressed promptly, so I can go back to work tomorrow.

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Re: The Last Word


I am in need of a root canal. I will not be going to work tomorrow, because I can either skip my pain meds entirely and go to work in agony, or I can take pain meds in the morning, have them wear off in time for me to go the the appointment, go, then take more when I get home.


Seems like a no-brainer. Which, coincidentally, is my mental state when I take these things. :doi:

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Re: The Last Word


What is it with people and root canals. You are the third person within 2 months that has had one.

This is my second in 6 months. Apparently teeth don't like having more than one filling; the nerve had partially calcified when the dentist drilled down to it. He was rather surprised. I wasn't; fossilization of living matter seems the only explanation for the kind of agony I was in.

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