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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


Looks like this thing is OS 10.4.9. I've used tarballs and make before' date=' but not since about 1997, and that was on a Sparcstation, so the knowledge has eroded to just about nil.[/quote'] Hey, Cancer. I understood your post on the first reading. :)


Just wanted to let you know. :thumbup:

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Re: The Last Word


:confused: No' date=' not macspeak; if anything, *nixspeak. Unless I'm mistaken about what you are taking as macspeak.[/quote'] No, I can vouch they LM and AtO aren't speaking "macspeak". I know, I've been using the Macintosh since 1991 and have dabbled in Unix at uni late 90s and a bit since.


I turned out all right. and the FSJ blog is okay too.

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Re: The Last Word


The reference to OS was quoting the operating system version of the Mac machine I have to work with now.
The current version of the OS is 10.4.10.


"Tarball" is slang, a reference to tar (which originally stood for "tape archive"), which is the *nix utility to wrap lots of files together in a compressed form in a single file.


"Make" is the *nix utility to assemble working executable binary files from a collection of source (and other) files.

I got that Make is the command line utiliy/app to create apps from source code (I've never done it, so can't help) and I remember tar is tape archive, but tarbell was lost on me. Stupid slang ;)


And my association with Unix dates to long, long, long ago ... well before Linux existed ... back in the old BSD (Berkeley) Unix days of the early 1980s. Unfortunately, I haven't had a *nix machine to work with since 2000; that was a Sun Sparcstation that I had on my desk. And I last used "make" to install something on that machine in late '96 or early '97, so I've just about forgotten all about it. That's aggravated by the fact that even then I just executed a script someone else had put together.
Mac OS X (that computer on your desk) is a BSD machine. It differs from the other BSD Unix distros is that it is uses the a modern version of the Mach kernel (you remember the Mach microkernel project at Carnegie Mellon University?). Another difference is that Mac OS X is based on NeXTStep/OPENSTEP -- the OS the World Wide Web was first built on.


That Sparcstation and the Mac on your desk now have a lot in common. :)

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Re: The Last Word


Oh, my mother has a ring like that. It has an amethyst (my birthstone), a sapphire (my oldest sister's birthstone), a pearl (my older sister's birthstone) and a peridot (my younger sister's birthstone). It's very pretty, and it's in ABCD order.


(My sister's names are Beth, Cindy and Debbie.)

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Re: The Last Word


Wrong again. Not Penguin' date=' BSD. Only wrong by about 15 years (late 70s as apposed to early 90s). ;)[/quote']


So one would use a BSD Daemon.


And Cancer, I had to use a Mac sometime ago, and it was a pain in the butt to install stuff. But then, I was trying stuff that wasn't available and I had a bare bones system. I wound up saying "screw it" and used a linux laptop I had at home.


Building *nix boxes for most of the late 80s thru 2004 really ingrained the how-to in me. I liked the fact that at one point, one Unix was owned by Kodak. Interactive IIRC.

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Re: The Last Word


Man, I had a weird dream/thought while dozing today. I don't know what is worse or embarrasing, the thought itself, or that it could be entirely plausible. :nonp::straight:


I blame L. Marcus.

I've had some pretty odd dreams, myself. Something about a deadly unicorn, in one of them.


It's usually a symptom of my not getting enough sleep, for several days in a row.

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Re: The Last Word


I've had some pretty odd dreams, myself. Something about a deadly unicorn, in one of them.


It's usually a symptom of my not getting enough sleep, for several days in a row.

I don't have that problem.


ps: I still think mine is worse.

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Re: The Last Word


Well' date=' don't keep us in suspense. Tell ![/quote']

Warning: the second spoiler below could be interpreted as an attack on a person in a position of power. It is not meant to be (see posts above; note: I was dozing at the time). The first spoiler contains the broad concept, the second, a specific example.


Spoiler 1


dinosaur (pacifists & aggressors), ..., reincarnation, us (doves & hawks). I'll let you add in the missing words.



Spoiler 2


T.Rex, reincarnation, Bush. As above, I'll let you add in the missing words.



that said. I still don't know which is worse, the concept in the spoilers above or the plausibility it could be true. :eek::nonp: Remember, I did say it was embarrassing. ;)

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