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amateur champs minis


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Re: amateur champs minis


Ironclad is made from a Infinity Challenge Hercules body with a Dr. Sampson head.


Saphire is a IC Rogue with a Indyclix figure's head, Tiger Lily maybe? The girl with matching Uzis anyway.


The Mechanon was is Cyborg's lowert half, Collosus' upper torso and arms and a Metropolis special police operative helmet for the head. The bunny ear antennae come from my bit box.

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Re: amateur champs minis


Dr. Destroyer, in the works but I don't know if I'm gonna pull it off, mostly it's a Ultron figure with some repositioning of the arms, a borrowed cape and Dr Fate's helmet


"Leaser Suit" Menton

"Buisness Suit" Menton, If heroclix makes someone in something I can convert into one of these. There is a Wolverine figure in civilian cloathes but it's a bit short...


Devistator, yeah, that would be something, maybe with just the right Mechwarrior


"Beaten Up" Seeker ("Oh no...not again!")


And, eveyone's faveret goofball, Foxbat!, He's not that close to being finished but he will definetly be done.



Proditor has been doing 5th ed champs chrs as well, some of which he has posted

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Re: amateur champs minis


First off, excellent work! Are you hosting the other pics you did anywhere? I wanted to er...appreciate (read as steal) your design for Scorpia. I finally got an extra Black Widow. ;)


I do have some stuff in the works (Thanks for the mention) and a lot more in bits on the work bench (Isn't that always the way?)


Completed Projects:




Battlesuit Potempkin


My PC's team, Justice Inc.

My PC's enemies (Ubermensch, Rising Sun, Overlord, Iron Curtain)


Current projects:





Stuff I have planned: (IE I have an idea what to use, but no final plans yet)



Doctor Destroyer

The rest of the Dragon Branch

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Re: amateur champs minis


My current project: trying to get a friend of mine to hook me up with some Heroclix if he has extras (hard to get a hold of the guy... sheesh).


Once I get that done, I'll start out by doing the PC's before moving on the Villains. Prolly start with the big baddies (Doc D, Mechanon, Takofanes (Which I already have some Skeleton Mage Knight Figures), etc).


Course... Telios is really easy to do.. just get a blond in a labcoat lol


EDIT: Speak of the Devil... the first picture on the left to show after I posted this was Telios... oooh scary!

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Re: amateur champs minis


He, he, I've done Grond, it was rather easy, if a little bit of a cheat! I cut the head off one Abomination figure, then cut another abomination figure in half around the bottom of the rib-cage, then stuck this onto the shoulders of the headless figure (with a little shaping to make them fit better). He's probably small for Grond, but it gets the idea across. :D


I've also done the PC team. VIPER and UNTIL agents (real easy, ie Hydra and SHIELD agents :winkgrin: )


When next I get time I'll be working on some of the other characters, mostly ones I've created for my campaign. I bought about ten Mechwarrior figures to convert into robots, power armour, and, oh, erm, well, Mechs!



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Re: amateur champs minis


Bugger, I almost forgot! I also bought a box of a dozen warhammer figures (can't remember what it's called now!), basically guys in armoured clothing with energy rifles and a couple of big weapons (flame thrower and chain gun). I've painted this into a VIPER special weapons/ tactical team (well I've still got a few to finish). :bmk:

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Re: amateur champs minis


Bugger' date=' I almost forgot! I also bought a box of a dozen warhammer figures (can't remember what it's called now!), basically guys in armoured clothing with energy rifles and a couple of big weapons (flame thrower and chain gun). I've painted this into a VIPER special weapons/ tactical team (well I've still got a few to finish). :bmk:[/quote']


Do you do use a solid-black basecoat before painting? I'd love to know the techniques put forth by my fellow custom-figure-makers.

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Re: amateur champs minis


I actually used a white undercoat. I sometimes find the when I use pale colours over a dark undercoat that they don't look quite right. I do occasionally use dark undercoats, but not when the figure is predominantly pale coloured. Having said this I think I have painted a grand total of ~20 figures, so I'm no expert, very much a beginner in fact. :hush::winkgrin:

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Re: amateur champs minis


I actually used a white undercoat. I sometimes find the when I use pale colours over a dark undercoat that they don't look quite right. I do occasionally use dark undercoats' date=' but not when the figure is predominantly pale coloured. Having said this I think I have painted a grand total of ~20 figures, so I'm no expert, very much a beginner in fact.[/font'] :hush::winkgrin:


Well that puts you very far ahead of me. I have yet to do any. That's mainly cuz A) I have only Mageknight figures and no reason to Mod them and B) I still need the basecoat and clearcoat.


Any recommendations on what to use for a basecoat? I've heard spraypaint works best but have no clue what type to use. I'd assume Matte.. but why type of paint? Vinyl? Acrylic?

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Re: amateur champs minis



Completed Projects:




Battlesuit Potempkin


My PC's team, Justice Inc.

My PC's enemies (Ubermensch, Rising Sun, Overlord, Iron Curtain)



Are these on your site Proditor? I'm dying to see them, especially the Battlesuit Ptoempkin and your team.



SuperBlue: Re base coat


I like Games workshop primer, the paint always sticks to it and it goes on very thin and smooth. As with Static UK, I go for White which is usually better for the bright colours of superherodom but both Ironclad and my Mechanon avatar were primed black so that the metal would look better. This would work well for any non light colored furry character that you wanted to drybrush.


If you go with another kind of base coat you want Acrylic, enamel is usually to slick to allow other paints to adhere well. Autobody primer, available at most auto parts stores is supposed to work well.


There is a great article, its actually two articles by William Keyes, available for free in the digital hero section that covers all the basics very well. I reccomend it.


pt. 1



Pt 2




Tom McCarthy:

Ah man, I thought I was gonna scoop the world with a Foxbat. Still, good looking figure and that Grond is too cool. Got any more or planning some?

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Re: amateur champs minis


Tom McCarthy: Very nice mods! You beat me to a foxbat. Seems to be a running theme...and Red Menace is already ahead of me on Eurostar...I'm starting to think I should make C.L.O.W.N. ;)


RM: Alas, I don't have the camera at the moment, the Mom-in-law does (She is an E-bay goddess). You can see the mock-ups for Grond and the Potempkin on the "Works in Progress" Page, and you can get a really really bad look at the finished Grond on my work area link. Second picture down, he's on the display rack, middle left, next to Baron Blood. I'm hoping to get the camera back in a week or so, but on the plus side, that gives me more time to finish more mods and go on a web posting frenzy! ;)


Technical stuff: I also use White as a primer base, and I also almost always use GW. Just like RM, Ironclad got a black base as did Nighthawk. Almost everyone else gets white though for two reasons. 1) When modding, white tends to show any imperfections in the finished piece much easier than black ever will. 2) I like to do a lot of bright colors and the black base tends to dull the colors too much for my taste. I wholeheartedly agree on the Digital Hero articles, they are amazing resources.


For any other seriously old-timer miniature superhero folk out there, live in envy, I managed to win an auction for a set of Heritage "Paint and Play" Superheroes. They are cheesy as all get out, but I've wanted them for decades now.

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Re: amateur champs minis


Exactly who would be the hardest charater to build using Heroclixs? My guess would be the Tree body of Tyranen (did I mispell the manied-bodied one's name)? Of course, any one of the Kings Of Edons would proably b toughter, thoe.


And since we never got stats on Krin...I imagion the guy being a much larger version of Dark Serpha, except he has multipul heads for all thoes crowns.

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Re: amateur champs minis


Exactly who would be the hardest charater to build using Heroclixs? My guess would be the Tree body of Tyranen (did I mispell the manied-bodied one's name)? Of course, any one of the Kings Of Edons would proably b toughter, thoe.


And since we never got stats on Krin...I imagion the guy being a much larger version of Dark Serpha, except he has multipul heads for all thoes crowns.

Well if you just stick to using clix, yeah you may have some issues. ;) Mage Knight figs can be good as well, and since they are also cheap plastic, easy to modify. If I were making tree boy, I'd either start with a monster tree from the Inhumanoids or the treebeard mini-fig from LotR and make any necessary mods off of that.
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Re: amateur champs minis


Well if you just stick to using clix' date=' yeah you may have some issues. ;) Mage Knight figs can be good as well, and since they are also cheap plastic, easy to modify. If I were making tree boy, I'd either start with a monster tree from the Inhumanoids or the treebeard mini-fig from LotR and make any necessary mods off of that.[/quote']


I guess treeboy would be easer done from a Treebeard, then put him on a Sentnal or planet-eating-guy base (of course, we have to remember not to play him in a Heroclix or Mage Knight senerio). Since AA is not out, we have only a vauge, Lovecrafiean ideal on what a typical KoE would look like.


Of course, the real test is to do an acuret repersentation of whatan Emotinal Vampier would look like (from the Hero System Beasterie).

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