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Iron Age on the brain!


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Re: Iron Age on the brain!


Authority. I won't claim they're good writeups: http://www.herostuff.net/gnborh/groups/gnborh-Wildstorm.html (Actually' date=' I've been told over and over again that they are lousy writeups. Oh well...)[/quote']


I think they're pretty good. You seem to have gotten the core of the characters without all the hype. I do think their attacks should mostly be killing damage, but I've always felt the Authority wasn't so much powerful as most of those they slaughter are kind of fragile.

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Re: Iron Age on the brain!


There have been discussions here where that same idea has been put forth. The average BODY is low or everyone on the planet takes 2x BODY from KA's...

Ouch! Brutal.


My games are Iron Age enough. In fact, I love Silver Age and know a lot about it, but I can't run a Silver Age game to save my life. My internal darkness inevitably creeps in.

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Re: Iron Age on the brain!


Yeah, I mean when Midnighter kicks someone in the head and their head -explodes-... that would take some kind of killing attack in Hero, yet some being (Seth, for instance) shrug off his blows without blinking. The power elevation would just get obscene. I call it the Dragonball problem...

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Re: Iron Age on the brain!


Actually, I don't think this would be all that difficult to simulate without Killing Attacks. Just use Hit Locations. Against a normal human, even a moderate superpowered attack is going to do significant BODY damage, and that damage is doubled for a blow to the head. 10d6 Normal damage = average 10 BODY. Average human has 2 PD and 8 BODY. Subtract the Defense, double the BODY for striking the head = human guacamole.


OTOH, increasing BODY and STUN damage due to Hit Locations occurs after Defenses are subtracted. So if that same 10d6 attack is used against an opponent with 35 DEF, the target will on average not even feel it, even with Hit Locations in play.

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Re: Iron Age on the brain!


BTW John, I think your writeups are quite good. Someone might prefer more "powered up" versions, but that's easy to change. Of course when they were written the upper limits of power for published Champions characters was lower than it's been since 5E came out.

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