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Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Reminds me of my "Stunt" idea for Dark Champions Super Skills: You may attempt any power that is built to require a skill roll but you must have the skill to perform it, you must use the power at the lowest listed value and with limitations maximized, and you must spend a Heroic Action Point per attempt or use. Since they can be attempted virtually for free, players can buy them at a 50% discount.


This is not the full extent to which I use or regulate the Power skill, but I felt that was worth sharing.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I have often used it to simulate powers that I don't actually have. It was always ok as long as I didn't regularly use it to do the same thing. If I wanted to do the same thing all the time I would have to buy the power. I don't think I have ever actually used it to do the same thing more than once, and I don't make it a regular occurrence. That would be abusive. Ex: I used it to safe blind teleport somewhere across the city that was far out of my range. It was a place I was very familiar with so the GM had no problem with it. My character is based around "the dark dimension" kinda like hell or all the hells, or the warp in 40k, or primal chaos in amber. We were fighting another character who had similar powers from the same source. She had an aura around her that basically made total darkness. I used my power skill roll to manipulate the raw energy she was using and force the darkness back in on herself. Basically it's a dispel. I rolled very well on the power roll so I didn't actually have to roll any sort of dispel.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I'm trying out the skill for the first time on a simple idea. The char worked for a wizard (fantasy hero) and learned minor magics and this is what the roll is for.


ie light pipe, lap, fire, etc

minor color change/brighten

brush teeth, hair, "natural" looking cosmetics

remove gunk from trekking through said gunk

just about anything 2nd edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons cantrip spell could do since i'm fairly sure that with no/minimal combat value spending 3 points for the skill seems fair

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


As a 2nd-4th edition player/GM, power skill and power tricks have never been something I have used. I still prefer the older method of "my character's power is 50 STR". That's it - one line on the sheet. If he wants to, he can hit the ground or slap his fists together and cause a shockwave, or do just about anything in the Ultimate Brick book. All of these things are free - they come with the 50 STR. Whether they are used or not depends on the character design, not whether they bought them.


That said, many of the things I have heard about them appeal to me. When I do use them in the future, I'll probably use the power skill for the first couple uses. They'll get it at either reduced power, or at full power with additional limitations. Each use or practice session afterwards will remove a little of the limitations, and after a bit they are just a normal part of what the character does. So, 50 STR is still all the power they would need to buy, but it takes time to learn and master a new way of using that STR.

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