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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Why in the name of all that's decent, sane, and not completely uncouth am I still awake??? It's almost 2:30 in the AM and I'm not even the least bit sleepy.






BTDT all the time. Last month I don't know that I went to bed before midnight more than once.

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Re: The cranky thread


I think my e-mail got hack' date=' because I just got a message from myself. So I changed my password, and now Yahoo doesn't recognize it.[/quote']

If that happens, it's probably the change propagating through Yahoo's e-mail servers. Try every few hours; based on what I looked up when I had a similar problem, it should be all working by tomorrow.

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Re: The cranky thread


So the reorg got announced today and some of my guys didn't take the news very well. But that's okay, I wasn't able to be in the office because I was filling out a police report for the burglary at my house. So I'm out a laptop, two older iPhones, and every piece of jewelry the wife didn't have on her at the time. Oh, and an airsoft pistol. And now I have to change every password I own, and get a credit report, and, and, and.

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Re: The cranky thread


So the reorg got announced today and some of my guys didn't take the news very well. But that's okay' date=' I wasn't able to be in the office because I was filling out a police report for the burglary at my house. So I'm out a laptop, two older iPhones, and every piece of jewelry the wife didn't have on her at the time. Oh, and an airsoft pistol. And now I have to change every password I own, and get a credit report, and, and, and.[/quote']


Here's hoping you catch a break soon.

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Re: The cranky thread


If that happens' date=' it's probably the change propagating through Yahoo's e-mail servers. Try every few hours; based on what I looked up when I had a similar problem, it should be all working by tomorrow.[/quote']


Thanks. Fortunately, I have another account.

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Re: The cranky thread


So the reorg got announced today and some of my guys didn't take the news very well. But that's okay' date=' I wasn't able to be in the office because I was filling out a police report for the burglary at my house. So I'm out a laptop, two older iPhones, and every piece of jewelry the wife didn't have on her at the time. Oh, and an airsoft pistol. And now I have to change every password I own, and get a credit report, and, and, and.[/quote']


Two words ... stomach cramps.


My sympathies to you both.

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Re: The cranky thread


So the reorg got announced today and some of my guys didn't take the news very well. But that's okay' date=' I wasn't able to be in the office because I was filling out a police report for the burglary at my house. So I'm out a laptop, two older iPhones, and every piece of jewelry the wife didn't have on her at the time. Oh, and an airsoft pistol. And now I have to change every password I own, and get a credit report, and, and, and.[/quote']


Bloody awful. I hope you find a better job somewhere with a lower crime rate.

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Re: The cranky thread


Bloody awful. I hope you find a better job somewhere with a lower crime rate.


There isn't anywhere with a lower crime rate unless I move to like Japan or Singapore. No one is hurt, and the kids aren't freaked out about it, so it could be a lot worse. I'm starting to wonder if I kicked a puppy somewhere and didn't notice, though.

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Re: The cranky thread


A friend of mine died last Friday, sitting at his desk. Sleep Apnea plus Pneumonia. He was my junior by several years.

I can't shake the feeling that he died from being too poor for proper medical coverage and too proud to work the system and go to the ER for a "cough".

Sorry to hear that.

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Re: The cranky thread


Midnite or bit after is pretty much normal for me. After all' date=' I gotta get some writing done in the evening. But that "wide awake at 3am" stuff just ain't right.[/quote']


Midnight is my dividing line between "early" and "late". My target no-later-than bedtime is 2:00 a.m. In the last 30 days I have not been to bed prior to my target bedtime more than three times. Only once was this prior to midnight. On too many occasions this means I went to bed and had to get back up again because I could not sleep. Depression seems to make waking up to face the day difficult and anxiety makes it hard to relax enough to sleep. I've been like this for several years. You have my sympathy.

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Re: The cranky thread


I do not sleep well either. I suffer from Wild Monkey Brain when I lay down and also anxiety. I also have Sleep Apnea so when I finally do fall asleep it is not good sleep. I'm exhausted these days.


Maybe some Wild Irish Rose to calm the Wild Monkey Brain? ;)


Have you sought treatment (either medical or mechanical) for the sleep apnea?

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Re: The cranky thread


Yes. I have tried three different masks many times. I simply cannot sleep in a mask. The Nose Pillows dry out my nose and that keeps me awake. I hope to lose more weight, hoping that will fix the problem. I'm not sure though because my Cousin is skinny and always has been and she needs a mask also.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm not worried about the eight-hour sleep so much as getting at least two REM cycles in, which I haven't been. Between little kids needing to go to the bathroom at 1am, my own stress-related tossing and turning at 3am, and kids waking up early at 5am, I'm lucky if I get one.

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