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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I've done that before. I almost hate to say it' date=' but it was fun, especially when the reason I had to leave my house was to go to my dialysis treatment (aka 'thing I have to do regularly or I die').[/quote']


Well, yeah. I've found that doing something nasty like that is only fun when they've really got it coming.


At which point it's hilarious of course.

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Re: The cranky thread


My wife was supposed to be off work today at 3pm. She normally runs a couple hours late on Monday just 'cause they suck, but I just called her at about six o'clock. She said she probably won't be home for another hour, and that's just getting the bare minimum she HAS to get done, done before she can bring herself to leave.


She was crying, it was so bad. She can't get anything done. People won't leave her alone. The person who's supposed to be in her department is spending all day at the service desk. The other floor associates are God-doesn't-even-know-where. On top of everything else, her 'that time of the month' started today.


I'm half tempted to not wake her up tomorrow morning and take the car into the clinic and hope she 'calls in' to work, but Tuesday is new release day (she's head of the video department) and that would probably just make it that much worse. I hate that there really isn't anything I can do to help her with this. I hope a good meal and a warm hug will be enough.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well' date=' yeah. I've found that doing something nasty like that is only fun when they've really got it coming.[/quote']

Seeing comments about inconsiderate wanks and their vehicles reminds me of an "incident" I dealt with a few years back:


My wife and I lived in a rather large, sprawling apartment complex at one time in Las Cruces, NM. At times, it could get rather windy out there, especially on blustery winter nights. And for weeks on end, even the slightest breeze would set off some idiot's loud, obnoxious car alarm... typically around 2am, when the nightly temperature started to bottom out.


For a while, I maintained the hope that the owner would get tired of being woken up, themselves, and adjust the alarm sensitivity... but obviously, I wouldn't be telling this story if that were the case. No, night after night, this piercing beep would break out, waking me from a sound sleep, lasting for several minutes at a time.


After a week or so of this, I finally got fed up. Whenever this alarm went off, I'd quickly get "decently" dressed, hop into my car and go looking for the source of the irritation. After just a night or two, I found it: a beat up, raggedy, primer-and-dent colored VW Beetle. With a car alarm. Presumably because, y'know... "it's a classic car."




I left the following note on the car that night:


"I doubt I am alone in this, but whether I am or not, I've gotten tired of your car alarm waking me up every night at 2 a.m. whenever the (frequent) wind blows. I understand that you may consider yourself technically challenged, but it is possible to set the sensitivity of your car alarm. The instructions to do so presumably came with the alarm, assuming you can read. Regardless, if you can't find it in yourself to either adjust your alarm, or leave it off at night in consideration of your neighbors, I'm going to conduct a little experiment.


I'm going to find out if your car alarm also doubles as a fire alarm.


When the fire department arrives, you are welcome to tell them the word "thermite". It may not mean much to you, but it will save them the risk and wasted effort of trying to extinguish the blaze."

That car alarm never went off again...

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Re: The cranky thread


Hastings' date=' a book/video/game/music store. So, basically, retail.[/quote']


Ah. Now I understand. When you described your wife's predicament, I thought "Wow, her co-workers must all be absolutely useless."


And... the last time I went into a Hastings was over six years ago -- I haven't been back because every employee I ran into there was, in fact, absolutely useless. Took me 30 minutes to check out, with one item, because nobody at the front knew how to operate a POS terminal.


I sincerely hope your wife finds a better place to work, CC. I'd wanna cry too if I had to deal with that kind of incompetence on a daily basis.

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Re: The cranky thread


Some stupid @ssh*le parked a truck right in front of my driveway and left it there with a ramp down. Where's Superman when you need him ?


Yesterday I was slightly late to work because a delivery driver parked his 18-wheeler down the middle of a small square apartment parking lot at 8:45 a.m., blocking in about 8 cars on each side. He was good about pulling up so I could squeeze out with only a short delay, but you'd think it would occur to him that some of the people parked there might be leaving for work soon.

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Re: The cranky thread


Been years since I've even seen a Hastings. Are they mostly an "Eastern US" thing, these days?


And do they at least pay her over-time?


Well, I'm in the Midwest. Hastings is a 'small-market' kind of thing ... they don't start stores in big cities where they'd have to compete with, say, Barnes and Noble or the like.


And they don't allow overtime. You aren't permitted to go over 40 hours a week.

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Re: The cranky thread


And they don't allow overtime. You aren't permitted to go over 40 hours a week.


Aren't permitted to get paid over 40 hours, of course. Since apparently you aren't permitted to go home on time or work less than 50+.


I worked retail once. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as this, and I still swore I'd never go back.

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Re: The cranky thread


Aren't permitted to get paid over 40 hours, of course. Since apparently you aren't permitted to go home on time or work less than 50+.


I worked retail once. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as this, and I still swore I'd never go back.


No, you can't go over 40 hours. If it looks like you're going over, you'll have to find someplace to cut the time later (which becomes ANOTHER pain in the butt). She was scheduled 37:15, so going over about 3 and a half means she needs to trim an hour later in the week.


But, yeah, between her stories, the stuff I experienced working with people, and various other horror stories ... I almost hate to say it, but I think getting disabled may have been one of the best things that ever happened to me. I cannot deal with people anymore.

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Re: The cranky thread


No' date=' you can't go over 40 hours. If it looks like you're going over, you'll have to find someplace to cut the time later (which becomes ANOTHER pain in the butt). She was scheduled 37:15, so going over about 3 and a half means she needs to trim an hour later in the week.[/quote']


I have a suspicion that this policy might explain why there's too much work to do at the store. Last time I worked retail, if things got busy (like during the summer - we sold air conditioners, after all!) overtime was mandatory, and we needed every minute of our ten-hour days.

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Re: The cranky thread


Minor whine of the day, and I recognize it is minor given all the other troubles of the past season folks have been having, still, it rankles:

I've lost a friend's Christmas present.


A group of friends and I have 'our' Christmas on New Year's Eve every year, because we get pulled different directions even on calm years. Everyone else, well, I waited till last minute to get them stuff, but one person, arguably my best friend ever well, I got hers way back in early novemeber and....

I lost her present.

I Cannot find the damn thing.

Barring just throwing everything that is NOT the present out of the house, there doesn't seem to be a way to track the stupid thing down.


So, clearly preplanning sucks and I should do everything the last minute.

Message received, universe! :P

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Re: The cranky thread


It's the end of the month and my anxiety makes it difficult to get out of the house and pay the bills. Mental illness is weird and frustrating. I'll get around to it, but many years of not quite enough to pay bills has trained me to be anxious, and even though I'm on Social Security and getting military retirement (part of which is disability pay) and paying the bills should be no sweat, the primitive part of my brain gets all panicky and wants to stay under cover. "No safe! You stay home!"

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Re: The cranky thread


It's the end of the month and my anxiety makes it difficult to get out of the house and pay the bills. Mental illness is weird and frustrating. I'll get around to it' date=' but many years of not quite enough to pay bills has trained me to be anxious, and even though I'm on Social Security [i']and[/i] getting military retirement (part of which is disability pay) and paying the bills should be no sweat, the primitive part of my brain gets all panicky and wants to stay under cover. "No safe! You stay home!"




Anxiety sucks. Fortunately mine is pretty well under control. My doc's office decided I needed an appointment before they would refil my anti-depressant though. Then, though they left a message saying they would send it over to the pharmacy, it wasn't available 10 hours later. So now it is the weekend, and I have not had my CHolesterol med or my anti-depressant for a week. Actually I feel a lot better than I probably should, particularly as I had to go to a Funeral today. When I am putting stuff off I usually blame it on depression, but some things are anxiety too.

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