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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Wasn't a debt collector, though. The woman on the other line said she dialed a wrong number and hung up. A minute later, the phone rang. A man asked for me. When I took the call, there was nothing but silence on the other end, although it seemed like the person on the other end was still there. Either it was a bad connection, or some asshat was crank calling me.

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Re: The cranky thread


bronchitis' date=' pneumonia, or sinus infection? Might be time to see a doctor. :([/quote']


Could be bronchitis, as I've had that before. However, my coughing seems to stem from post-nasal drip, so it may be a sinus infection.


I'm going to call a doctor today.


Doc said it's a sinus infection and gave me some meds. Fortunately, I was able to get Saturday off, so I can sleep in on the weekend for once. I sure can use the rest.

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Re: The cranky thread


Doc said it's a sinus infection and gave me some meds. Fortunately' date=' I was able to get Saturday off, so I can sleep in on the weekend for once. I sure can use the rest.[/quote']


I hope you recover quickly. I used to find that drinking huge quantities of Cranberry juice or other Vitamin C rich juices helped. In particular the ones that were real juice.

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Re: The cranky thread


What is it with people who call and ask who you are' date=' but they won't identify themselves? Maybe they dialed a wrong number, but isn't it common courtesy to ask for someone instead of saying "who's this?" when you say hello?[/quote']

My favorite personal response to this stupidity is "You first." (edit: I have occasionally replied "Azathoth.")


Regarding the rest who actually ask for someone specific, that changes to the more eloquent "They might be here, but you don't get to talk to them til you identify yourself."


I was tired of this general nonsense long before the "national do-not-call list" even existed. :P

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Re: The cranky thread


Easier, but not as fun. :P


When I lived in Alamagordo, NM, we kept getting calls for Louis and/or Lisa. Given that no last name was ever added to these requests, I assume that it was various and sundry locals who knew these folks. Granting the benefit of the doubt, I also assumed that Louis and Lisa had once had our number, but had since moved/changed numbers.


My initial responses were the more polite "No, I think you have the wrong number, now."


Fast forward 18 months. Still getting these calls, from people whose voices I now recognize. Because they have called us, asking for Louis and/or Lisa, approximately 1-3 times a month...



Me: "Hello?"

Moron: "Is Louis there?"

Me: "NO! He's playing 'hide the sausage' with his skinny boyfriend, but I'll be happy to pass along the message that you miss him VERY much!"

Moron: *...click..."


The calls (and similar responses) lasted for about 3 weeks, after that...

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Re: The cranky thread


Unrelated to that, but back to your earlier comment, TKD...


I've been taking 50mg of Zinc a day for just over 18 months now, and while I'm certain I've caught at least one (but no more than two) cold/flu during that time, I've had exactly zero of the usual semi-debilitating symptoms. I'll get the "I'm catching something" sense of general run-down malaise, and then... nothing. No sinus problems. No cough. No detectable fever. Nothing.


I still tend to avoid people for a few days, since I assume I may be contagious in there at some point. I also don't think starting this regimen while sick will do anything about the existing symptoms. Still, it has been a freaking miracle, as far as I'm concerned... especially after the last innocuous little "cold" I got went from that, to bronchitis, to walking pneumonia, and had me utterly incapacitated for the better part of 5 weeks.

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Re: The cranky thread


Doc said it's a sinus infection and gave me some meds. Fortunately' date=' I was able to get Saturday off, so I can sleep in on the weekend for once. I sure can use the rest.[/quote']


as follow up, How are you feeling?? Tavish had a nasty flu last week, now my wife and I are both coming down with it. Hopefully we won't have it as bad as he did.

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Re: The cranky thread


as follow up' date=' How are you feeling?? Tavish had a nasty flu last week, now my wife and I are both coming down with it. Hopefully we won't have it as bad as he did.[/quote']


A little better. Still coughing at times and a bit congested, though. I hope you guys get well soon.


It was my turn to come down with the family cold two days ago and I'm still congested. It doesn't help that these are the craziest two or three days of the season. It's not flu though' date=' so that's something at least.[/quote']


Hopefully, you guys get well soon.


I have a bad case of post-Christmas depression. I want to go to bed' date=' but OddHat can't right now and I don't think lying alone in a dark room is a good idea right now.[/quote']


I was cranky throughout the Christmas weekend. I was with family and friends, however, so I had to pretend to be happy and not argue with them too much.

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Re: The cranky thread


Kitchen Sink is leaking AGAIN! (House was put in 4 years ago, and I've fixed this leak about 10 times now). Though I talked it over with someone and we're convinced it's the disposal that is shaking loose the fittings, so a bit of flex pipe between two parts and actually putting in some straps around the disposal and attaching it to the cabinet (though, that's cheap wood in the cabinet, so I might have to rig something.).


Went to the local HW store. It's closed. grrrr. So, I'll get my needed parts on Thursday, and just do a quick fix for now.

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Re: The cranky thread


Heck with Superman' date=' just have the guy's truck towed away, and let HIM be the cranky one. Sometimes, schadenfreude is the best medicine.[/quote']


I've done that before. I almost hate to say it, but it was fun, especially when the reason I had to leave my house was to go to my dialysis treatment (aka 'thing I have to do regularly or I die').

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