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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


In my case:


Insomnia + Tinnitus = :ugly:


I've got tinnitus, too. I've found I sleep better (eventually) with a bit of background music playing at low volume; anything's better than silence. Something easy on the ears: Delerium, Conjure One, and Rhea's Obsession all work nicely. So does Lisa Gerrard.


And Shpongle. (Just listen to it....)

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Re: The cranky thread


I usually just doze off with the TV on, since I can't sleep with music playing for some reason. Still my tinnitus has gotten worse over the last few years. Then, the TV could drown out the buzzing noise even at a low volume. Now I can hear the buzz unless the TV is pretty loud (not a good thing to do late at night).

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Re: The cranky thread


Truly Epic Moments in IT Support FAIL:


As near as Classroom Support could tell at 0740 this morning, there were NO working network printers on campus. None. Zip.


Final exams started at 0800 this morning, one of mine among them. A PDF on a flash drive had to be transcribed by me, longhand, and copied on an old analog copier.


I will go off-campus to get hard copies made of the exam I give at 1400 today.


Office of IT did a major downtime and maintenance on Friday evening, is all I can guess as to causes.

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Re: The cranky thread


No idea what they thought. I've been in damage control and doing other tasks since then; I don't really have the capacity to check on why there's a problem. I had my wife print a copy of the 2nd exam at home and run that copy in to me, and there's an old analog copier down the hall where I made the copies I need on that. So I've got the paper I need for today, and I am not in a position to lead or join a howling torches-and-pitchforks horde demanding any heads.


My department chair reclaimed a printer he had which had been living in a lab, and connected it directly to his workstation in a non-network way. So we now have a restricted printing capacity in the department as of about a half hour ago, so the rest of us can print a document and then make copies as needed.

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Re: The cranky thread


Timing is everything. Are your printers all run from a central print server? Or are they just hooked up via IP?


I don't know enough to answer that; I've never had to look under the hood for a network, myself. Anyway, I was told the printers were back (and I confirmed it for the ones I use) about 1135 my time. By which time I no longer needed them, of course.

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Re: The cranky thread


My wife went to bed 5 minutes ago. She's already snoring. I'm once AGAIN in the grip of insomnia.


Plus, tomorrow, I get to drive 90 miles to get my arm looked at again. Second follow-up to my angioplasty (-ies) ... hopefully this time nothing will be wrong so they can just send me on my way without having to mess around with my arm again, but if I get that lucky, I'm buying a Powerball ticket once I get home.

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Re: The cranky thread


I don't know enough to answer that; I've never had to look under the hood for a network' date=' myself. Anyway, I was told the printers were back (and I confirmed it for the ones I use) about 1135 my time. By which time I no longer needed them, of course.[/quote']



I.T. Rule # 13: No problem of significance will be solved before a workaround has already been discovered and put into place.

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Re: The cranky thread


Politics in general make me cranky.


But seriously, Newt and Trump are teaming up, and Ron Paul is starting to sound like the sanest man in the GOP presidential candidates list. The world's gone wacky, and only the wacky will survive.

Woho! Woho! Wohoho!


Ah, right, no, that's daffy.

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Re: The cranky thread


It is annoying to have your iPod's battery hit shutdown discharge when you are on the bus and then have to listen to a jive turkey and two other ex-EMT goober types have a shouted freak-out contest about burnout in that job and all the grisly stuff they got to do while doing it.

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