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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I bought three nightgowns from my favorite store a few weeks ago and NOW they go on 40% off sale.


Has it been less than 30-days? If so, take them back with the receipt and ask to be reimbursed for the price difference. If they won't, return them, and then buy identical ones at the sale price.

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Re: The cranky thread


Has it been less than 30-days? If so' date=' take them back with the receipt and ask to be reimbursed for the price difference. If they won't, return them, and then buy identical ones at the sale price.[/quote']


It's an online store, located in Vermont. Can't return them now, I've already worn two of them and washed one. Besides, it said only "select" sleepwear would go on sale. Maybe the nightgowns I have are not included.


I also bought my wrapping paper and tags and other things from the card shop early then recently got a 20% off whole purchase card. Might as well read the fine print and see if they'll reimburse me 20% for previous purchases. Probably not. Sigh.


Just checked the receipt. Already used a discount coupon. Guess I'll have to buy my cards there. I was planning to buy them from UNICEF.

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Re: The cranky thread


Why is it whenever I'm tired and cranky' date=' and I just need to go home ASAP, some sh*t happens that it takes me longer than normal? Why must it always, [i']always[/i] happen?




That actually happened to me on my birthday a little while ago. I was literally packing my bag to go home when my boss called asking if I had a few minutes to talk about the meeting planned for the day after. I finally got out of there ninety minutes later and went home to a cold dinner and an angry wife. Then my boss cancelled the meeting.

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Re: The cranky thread


That actually happened to me on my birthday a little while ago. I was literally packing my bag to go home when my boss called asking if I had a few minutes to talk about the meeting planned for the day after. I finally got out of there ninety minutes later and went home to a cold dinner and an angry wife. Then my boss cancelled the meeting.


That's why I always take the day off on my birthday. So I won't have to deal with the outside world, especially crap at work.

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Re: The cranky thread


That's why I always take the day off on my birthday. So I won't have to deal with the outside world' date=' especially crap at work.[/quote']


That's my standard operating procedure too. Except this year I picked a job where they're having labor issues, so there's been a moratorium on vacation since August in case there's a strike.

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Re: The cranky thread


That actually happened to me on my birthday a little while ago. I was literally packing my bag to go home when my boss called asking if I had a few minutes to talk about the meeting planned for the day after. I finally got out of there ninety minutes later and went home to a cold dinner and an angry wife. Then my boss cancelled the meeting.


Your sig is *so* appropriate a continuation of this post, I wish I could rep it twice, or even once.

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Re: The cranky thread


That's my standard operating procedure too. Except this year I picked a job where they're having labor issues' date=' so there's been a moratorium on vacation since August in case there's a strike.[/quote']


Will they allow employees to carry over unused vacation time into next year?

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Re: The cranky thread


Will they allow employees to carry over unused vacation time into next year?




No strike yet. If it's going to happen then Thursday would be a likely day. That's when corporate unilaterally implements their "last best and final offer". The union seems pretty much out of leverage at this point though. Their options seem to be long-strike-that-is-ruinous-for-everyone, or letting that contract take effect with much posturing and protesting.

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Re: The cranky thread


What a week.


Rained out Monday. No well testing, and I'm behind schedule for this quarter. Dad warned me don't go anywhere near the Little Wabash river bottoms tomorrow -- they're gonna flood.


Snowed Tuesday. First thing I did was go out in the snow and jump start the truck. No testing. Clocked in anyway because it's a company vehicle and I had to take it into town for a new battery. My uncle said "As long as you're not busy, load up all these aluminum cans and sell 'em at the scrap yard." Fine. Got the battery and ate lunch. Took off across country headed for the scrap yard -- there are a series of small lakes where the road used to be. Where am I? The Little Wabash river bottoms, of course! (I'd been warned.) Got lost switching back, looking for a road that wasn't under water. Found scrap yard, sold entire truck-load of cans for $25. Hurray.


Spent half of Wednesday morning in a meeting, during which the boss (my uncle again) decides one of the oil wells under discussion needs a new pump controller. And oh, the river's coming up (no kidding!) so get it installed before the whole oilfield floods. Right... I've got five hours of daylight left, and this installation takes four hours if absolutely nothing goes wrong. I finished 20 minutes before sunset. No testing today... still behind on that.


Thursday. My cousin borrowed the echometer, so... no testing again.


Friday. Spent the morning going blind on MS Access/Excel, doing last month's production report. (Our numbers are up!) Echometer is still in use. No testing today.


So I've got some things to do tomorrow, but I'm also working half a day to get caught up on that "well testing" stuff, which is what they originally hired me for!

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Re: The cranky thread




No strike yet. If it's going to happen then Thursday would be a likely day. That's when corporate unilaterally implements their "last best and final offer". The union seems pretty much out of leverage at this point though. Their options seem to be long-strike-that-is-ruinous-for-everyone, or letting that contract take effect with much posturing and protesting.


Progress on the strike front. The union, having no leverage, may soon acquiesce to a "concession" by management that delays the eradication of many benefits by a whole year. They're supposed to vote on it over the weekend.

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