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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I really hate it when I get phone calls right after a dialysis treatment from people asking me to do things. I'm usually so wiped out I can barely remember my name, much less something I agreed to do over the phone in that state.


So, months ago, I sold my kinda-junker old Chevy Blazer to my brother, 'cause I couldn't afford to keep it up. He was basically going to let his kids tear it up learning to drive (whatever) ... but, he never filed the paperwork to actually transfer ownership, and now he's missed the deadline. I'm supposed to file for a lost title, because otherwise he'll have to pay a penalty. Now, I've gotten some tax information I needed, and the truck is not on my property tax for this year, which means I don't even know if I *can* apply for the lost title, and if I do, that probably means it'll go on my taxes, so I'll have to pay a penalty AND property tax on it, and I'm willing to bet he's going to flake on me if I try to tell him he's gonna have to repay me for the taxes on it, too.


If I had been mentally coherent, I would have just told him that paying that penalty was his problem.

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Re: The cranky thread


Bullets?.. Willing to donate several... Marginally willing to deliver...


Sorry. Very anti-drug minded. I equate dealers to leeches. Just a crying shame you can't agonizingly dissolve them with a few good shakes of salt. Have been dismissed from jury selection processes for drug-related offenses a lot. Too honest, I guess.



my idea for dealing with drug offenders is pretty draconian, I guess. first, treatment in detention, maybe a month or whatever is needed. 2nd offense? a year and treatment(yes this is a Felony). third offense? there would be no 4 time offenders.

Judges would have some leeway, but...


dealers? well, they don't get many chances...

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm being pressured to take the forgery issue to HR. I guess I'll have to' date=' but I hate to do that to an otherwise okay sales rep just because she did something more stupid than usual.[/quote']



maybe it is a matter of building a paper trail in case of future stupidity... and to protect you.

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Re: The cranky thread


I think I may have bronchitis, again. Not yet sure, though.


I suffered from insomnia last night. Always a real treat to go to work after a sleepless night! Especially when you're sick.


I'm just trying to exhaust myself so I do get some shuteye tonight. Maybe I'll be ready in a few minutes.

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Re: The cranky thread


I think I may have bronchitis, again. Not yet sure, though.


I suffered from insomnia last night. Always a real treat to go to work after a sleepless night! Especially when you're sick.


I'm just trying to exhaust myself so I do get some shuteye tonight. Maybe I'll be ready in a few minutes.


havey you tried nyquil?

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm being pressured to take the forgery issue to HR. I guess I'll have to' date=' but I hate to do that to an otherwise okay sales rep just because she did something more stupid than usual.[/quote']


I forget where I heard this, but when shoplifters get caught, it is assumed that this was not the very first time in their lives they've ever stolen. The assumption is that for every time a thief gets caught, they've gotten away with it at least 3 times. Ergo, the store can sue the thief for three times the monetary value of the good they were caught with.


I have no idea how true this is... but if your cow-orker was stupid enough to do something like this to you, then it is perfectly reasonable to assume that she's done this (or something like it) to other people numerous times and was never caught. It's that whole "other times and never caught" bit that has your company pushing you to report this to HR. Given her "No, wait, I can explain," attitude instead of giving you a "You're right, this was really stupid, and I'm really sorry for doing that," response, I think they are highly justified in being worried about her. I can't blame them in the least for wanting something on her record to justify (and to shield themselves against lawsuits) any formal disciplinary action.

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Re: The cranky thread


I forget where I heard this' date=' but when shoplifters get caught, it is assumed that this was not the very first time in their lives they've ever stolen. The assumption is that for every time a thief gets caught, they've gotten away with it [i']at least[/i] 3 times. Ergo, the store can sue the thief for three times the monetary value of the good they were caught with.


I have no idea how true this is... but if your cow-orker was stupid enough to do something like this to you, then it is perfectly reasonable to assume that she's done this (or something like it) to other people numerous times and was never caught. It's that whole "other times and never caught" bit that has your company pushing you to report this to HR. Given her "No, wait, I can explain," attitude instead of giving you a "You're right, this was really stupid, and I'm really sorry for doing that," response, I think they are highly justified in being worried about her. I can't blame them in the least for wanting something on her record to justify (and to shield themselves against lawsuits) any formal disciplinary action.


All good points to be sure. Honestly, I'm just deeply annoyed by the whole situation, both because of having been forged and now because of the HR circus I'm going to have to launch. It's not like I don't have real work to do.

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Re: The cranky thread


HR might also be nudging you in the direction of a formal process because it has been waiting for its opportunity to deal with a problem. I'm reminded of a sexual harassment complaint to me against an employee who, I understand, already had one on his file that was eventually reduced to a regrettable "he said/he said" situation in which the complainant had to be transferred --exactly the kind of outcome that the company wants to avoid. When the second one came in, it was like a mighty draft from on high sucking the paperwork out of my hand.

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Re: The cranky thread


All good points to be sure. Honestly' date=' I'm just deeply annoyed by the whole situation, both because of having been forged and now because of the HR circus I'm going to have to launch. It's not like I don't have real work to do.[/quote']


On that note, you have my sympathies. I've been in the same spot, too, of having to report someone to HR for things that went way beyond inappropriate. Yes, I knew it needed to be done. But, no, I didn't enjoy the hassle it created, either.

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Re: The cranky thread


What ever happened to the old-fashioned courtesy of asking someone what they wanted for Christmas? Oh, right... it was made extinct by the ubiquitous crutch, the online "wish list". Thankfully, I have now divested myself of that particular evolutionary defect.

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Re: The cranky thread


On that note' date=' you have my sympathies. I've been in the same spot, too, of having to report someone to HR for things that went way beyond inappropriate. Yes, I knew it needed to be done. But, no, I didn't enjoy the hassle it created, either.[/quote']


Well, it got done. The perp admitted her guilt so in theory there will not be a huge investigation--at least not involving me. We'll see what happens.

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Re: The cranky thread


Just testing to see if I can still comment here. Got a "Forbidden" message a minute ago, which is complete BULL$H!* as far as I'm concerned.





And apparently it was just a glitch. No problem.





I can go with it being "just a glitch." :winkgrin:

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