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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


That hits awfully close to home. I work for a company that's been profitable for at least six quarters and is paying its CEO a record $6M salary' date=' and which is trying to cut union benefits. So the union had a two-day strike last week and might have another one in a day or two.[/quote']


Yeah... it'll be interesting to see what my company does in January with raises and such. All year, we've been hearing about how great they're doing, the stock is going through the roof, and all that. We heard that last year, too, only the raises The Grunts™ got were pretty pathetic. This year, some more Top Talent™ got hired, so the company clearly has money to spend. But if they decide to be stingy again with me and the other folks In The Trenches™, I'm going to start looking for Greener Pastures™. Yeah, it may take a while to find a good job in this Crappy Economy™, but I've had it. I have really good skills, and unless I work overtime, I simply cannot live on what they pay me: and that's with a 2-mile commute, not going crazy with money on toys and gizmos, and using a spreadsheet to manage my budget.

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Re: The cranky thread


I hear you. I'm actually in full escape mode here--when I was interviewing for this job I was told commissions would be at a certain level, but in reality they've been less than half that. So overall it's been effectively a 25% pay cut. I've already had to borrow money to cover the mortgage. I probably have until March to either find a job that actually pays what it says on the tin, or else move out of the house. I can't take side jobs because of the strike threat, if I could find side jobs to begin with, and I'm up way late every night trying to hold down this job while simultaneously looking for an out. Then I wake up at 3 A.M. with the adrenal glands in full squirt because I'm screwed.


Hence the lack of sleep at night. I'm in a bad place. All I can think about is my damn mortgage payment. Oh, and Christmas is coming.

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Re: The cranky thread


Just plain ick. Went thru similar in 2004-5 and wound up going thru bankruptcy. Was in much better financial condition until the latest medical stuff, but at least we're living with no payments plans looming over us. (Well, just the medical stuff to pay off over five years...)

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Re: The cranky thread


Damn bus system broke down two days in a row. I had to walk to work yesterday. I generally don't mind, except:

1. I'm still under the weather (I had almost beaten my sickness, but I've had a relapse), and

2. I had to work early to help a student before my regular shift. The buses breaking down ensured my being late for that appointment.


Edit: Oh yeah...

3. Being late prevented me from completing certain tasks at work I had planned to finish that day.

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Re: The cranky thread


People are objects, too... :P


Unfortunately for me, most of the things in my life I would LIKE to kick right now... are abstractions. :(


Can that something be a person? Because I have a list.

edit: And actually, given what you've described here lately... I'd be more inclined to invite my friend, the 2-ft-long piece of 1.5-in rebar along...

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Re: The cranky thread


People are objects, too... :P


Unfortunately for me, most of the things in my life I would LIKE to kick right now... are abstractions. :(



edit: And actually, given what you've described here lately... I'd be more inclined to invite my friend, the 2-ft-long piece of 1.5-in rebar along...



Just out of curiosity, what does that weigh? about 4.5 lbs?


I hit a deer a month or two ago. I had to pound on my hood to get it to close right, and I am afraid I might have to adjust it more at any time. So I have been keeping the two pound sledge hammer in the car.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm often bothered by the carnage our vehicles inflict on wildlife. We don't get deer here' date=' but I pass many corpses of birds, cats, and mongooses on my way to and from work. I can't think of a solution, either.[/quote']

We're on a major migration route and the number of deer that are killed every year is pretty high. I've been lucky so far, I threaded thru a herd that was crossing without clipping any once around 3am.

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Re: The cranky thread


So far today:


I found out one of my cow orkers scanned my signature and used it to show my "approval" on a document to get it through purchasing.


I won a four-day trip for two to Vegas... if I read the nice lady my credit card number over the phone. Right now. Looked up the sponsoring resort online... oh, a timeshare. What a surprise.


My father in law's house got burglarized.


I'm about ready to go home and hide under my bed. You win, Thursday. Uncle.

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Re: The cranky thread


So far today:


I found out one of my cow orkers scanned my signature and used it to show my "approval" on a document to get it through purchasing.


I won a four-day trip for two to Vegas... if I read the nice lady my credit card number over the phone. Right now. Looked up the sponsoring resort online... oh, a timeshare. What a surprise.


My father in law's house got burglarized.


I'm about ready to go home and hide under my bed. You win, Thursday. Uncle.



does that mean you are about to be short a co-worker?

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Re: The cranky thread




I did report the cow orker and judging by her tone of voice on the phone when she eventually called me to explain, I think she got verbally worked over pretty bad by a bunch of managers and/or the legal department. I still can't figure out what she was thinking--I looked over the forged papers and she gained nothing by doing that. Maybe she thought she was saving time, but the time it took to paste a screen grab of my initials (rolleyes) on every single page of the document can't have been much less than it would have taken her to forward me the changes for my actual approval which I would surely have provided anyway. It's possible that she might be... stupid.


I told the timeshare lady I'd call her back. I didn't.


The burglars apparently took nothing from the house--not even the laptop that was sitting in plain view in the living room. Apparently the meth dealer is pretty picky as far as what he'll take as payment. Need to fix a window, that's about it. We're just glad he wasn't home at the time, though it's likely that the house was being watched in the first place. The cops were pretty pissed, though--evidently there's a thieves guild that's been operating in that area for a while, but the police can only run a catch and release program because the prisons are overcrowded.

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Re: The cranky thread


Apparently the meth dealer is pretty picky as far as what he'll take as payment.

Bullets?.. Willing to donate several... Marginally willing to deliver...


Sorry. Very anti-drug minded. I equate dealers to leeches. Just a crying shame you can't agonizingly dissolve them with a few good shakes of salt. Have been dismissed from jury selection processes for drug-related offenses a lot. Too honest, I guess.

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