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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I have come, slowly and painfully, to the realization that there are just some things that happen on this earth that I am simply not meant to "get."


Like, for instance, why students at Penn State are rioting and threatening harm to the person that reported one of their football coaches was raping children.


Raping. Children.


And they're upset with the guy who reported this.


People. This dude was raping children. He. Was. Raping. Children. RAPING CHILDREN!!! And the head coach didn't think it was important enough to report?


I don't care how good of a f**king football coach he was. I don't care if you never win a game again. I don't f**king care if they disband the whole f**king team. How can anyone care about football when you've got a child molester running around?


Maybe I'm mis-interpreting the events. Maybe they're protesting that he wasn't brought to justice sooner. But from the reports I've seen, it sure doesn't look that way. It looks like they're protesting because their football season might suffer.


God. I just simply do not get it.

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Re: The cranky thread


I have come, slowly and painfully, to the realization that there are just some things that happen on this earth that I am simply not meant to "get."


Like, for instance, why students at Penn State are rioting and threatening harm to the person that reported one of their football coaches was raping children.


Raping. Children.


And they're upset with the guy who reported this.


People. This dude was raping children. He. Was. Raping. Children. RAPING CHILDREN!!! And the head coach didn't think it was important enough to report?


I don't care how good of a f**king football coach he was. I don't care if you never win a game again. I don't f**king care if they disband the whole f**king team. How can anyone care about football when you've got a child molester running around?


Maybe I'm mis-interpreting the events. Maybe they're protesting that he wasn't brought to justice sooner. But from the reports I've seen, it sure doesn't look that way. It looks like they're protesting because their football season might suffer.


God. I just simply do not get it.

Where are we going, why is it getting hot and what's this world-size handbasket?

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Re: The cranky thread


I have come, slowly and painfully, to the realization that there are just some things that happen on this earth that I am simply not meant to "get."


Like, for instance, why students at Penn State are rioting and threatening harm to the person that reported one of their football coaches was raping children.


Raping. Children.


And they're upset with the guy who reported this.


People. This dude was raping children. He. Was. Raping. Children. RAPING CHILDREN!!! And the head coach didn't think it was important enough to report?


I don't care how good of a f**king football coach he was. I don't care if you never win a game again. I don't f**king care if they disband the whole f**king team. How can anyone care about football when you've got a child molester running around?


Maybe I'm mis-interpreting the events. Maybe they're protesting that he wasn't brought to justice sooner. But from the reports I've seen, it sure doesn't look that way. It looks like they're protesting because their football season might suffer.


God. I just simply do not get it.


There's nothing to "get" here; it's college football. Do not adjust your world-view.

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Re: The cranky thread


A quote I found:

From banking scandals to Wall Street, elementary schools to universities, the scramble to succeed in dollar terms, to bring in ever more money has led individuals and organizations to ignore visible, powerful, and pressing evidence of malfeasance. Money and power buy impunity, or at least rent it.


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Re: The cranky thread


I have come, slowly and painfully, to the realization that there are just some things that happen on this earth that I am simply not meant to "get."


Like, for instance, why students at Penn State are rioting and threatening harm to the person that reported one of their football coaches was raping children.


Raping. Children.


And they're upset with the guy who reported this.


People. This dude was raping children. He. Was. Raping. Children. RAPING CHILDREN!!! And the head coach didn't think it was important enough to report?


I don't care how good of a f**king football coach he was. I don't care if you never win a game again. I don't f**king care if they disband the whole f**king team. How can anyone care about football when you've got a child molester running around?


Maybe I'm mis-interpreting the events. Maybe they're protesting that he wasn't brought to justice sooner. But from the reports I've seen, it sure doesn't look that way. It looks like they're protesting because their football season might suffer.


God. I just simply do not get it.



Repped. more arguments for athletics being banned from academia...

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Re: The cranky thread


Repped. more arguments for athletics being banned from academia...


Heh. When I was in college it was hard to say athletics and academia in the same sentence with a straight face. The big basketball star my university recruited was rumored to have an ACT score of 14. (The state average at the time was 19.)


Then there was the old favorite... Q: How many football players does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Just one, but he gets course credit for doing it.

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Re: The cranky thread


So all of a sudden, I can't read my mail in my gmail. I can see the mail box and all that just fine, but when i go to actually open an e-mail, I can't see the e-mail... not unless I hit "reply", at which point, I'll see the e-mail in the area below. So I tried it in Chrome, and it worked just fine. After tweaking some settings, I discovered that the problem is running Ad Block Plus in Firefox. No matter how I set the filters, I simply cannot have that ad on running if I want to see my e-mail in Firefox. Thing is, there are other websites I go to where Ad Block is a godsend, and while I have Chrome, what I usually do is use Firefox for one of my gmail logins, and Chrome for the other. I'm not sure why Google is doing this, though, because I was always able to see their silly little adds down the side of the screen, anyway. Even if I go back to the "old look" or an older version of Firefox, it doesn't help.


Futher muckers! :mad::thumbdown

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm running Adblock in Firefox (on the Mac) and gmail is working fine. Are you sure it's not some kind of blacklist glitch?

Sorta unrelated: I still remember the call I got while working at GoDaddy, from a guy that was ranting and railing at us because our email had blacklist and whitelist options... and that meant we were all racists?.. :confused:

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Re: The cranky thread


Sorta unrelated: I still remember the call I got while working at GoDaddy' date=' from a guy that was ranting and railing at us because our email had blacklist and whitelist options... and that meant we were all racists?.. :confused:[/quote']

Did you ask him if you'd still be racist if you called them conversely the "blacklist" and "whitelist"?

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm running Adblock in Firefox (on the Mac) and gmail is working fine. Are you sure it's not some kind of blacklist glitch?


Maybe. I did not change any of the settings in either FireFox nor AdBlock when this happened (and I work in tech support, so I'm not just saying that): it just sort of started doing this one day all on its own, and it kept doing it even after I purged the cache. The fact that I hadn't been changing settings was one reason it took me so long to track the problem down.

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Re: The cranky thread


And in totally unrelated news' date=' just announced to its shareholders that it "found" cash in the budget to hand out bonuses to the senior executives this year...[/quote']


That hits awfully close to home. I work for a company that's been profitable for at least six quarters and is paying its CEO a record $6M salary, and which is trying to cut union benefits. So the union had a two-day strike last week and might have another one in a day or two.

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Re: The cranky thread


That hits awfully close to home. I work for a company that's been profitable for at least six quarters and is paying its CEO a record $6M salary' date=' and which is trying to cut union benefits. So the union had a two-day strike last week and might have another one in a day or two.[/quote']


I can hear it now... "Regrettably, we just can't afford these union benefits any longer...."

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