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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Guess I mis-understood what you said, then. :)


Eh, anyway - Singers who like to do that screechy "aaaaahhhhhahahaaa". It's worse of an idea than "let's sing country songs in a nasal tone".



OK... not sure exactly what you're getting at here. I'm familiar with nasal country singers (ick!) but I have no idea what "aaaaahhhhhahahaaa" sounds like. Examples?

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Re: The cranky thread


I may have to quit my regular gaming group.


Our host re-married recently, and the missus brought with her a kid.

12 years old.

Hyperactive. Short attention span. Attention monger.

Will not stop talking. Asks random non-sequitur questions. Cannot be quiet.

We cannot do anything, whether RPG, card game, or board game, or just watch a DVD without him CONSTANTLY interrupting with a barrage of inane questions.

Has shouted in my ear two weeks in a row. If he does it next week, I honestly fear losing it.

He's one huge distraction, a colossal headache, and I cannot tolerate being in his presence. My wife is migraine-prone and he is incapable of having an indoor voice for longer than about fifteen seconds after someone tells him to shush.


I honestly don't know how much longer we can keep this up.

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Re: The cranky thread


I may have to quit my regular gaming group.


Our host re-married recently, and the missus brought with her a kid.

12 years old.

Hyperactive. Short attention span. Attention monger.

Will not stop talking. Asks random non-sequitur questions. Cannot be quiet.

We cannot do anything, whether RPG, card game, or board game, without him CONSTANTLY interrupting with a barrage of inane questions.

Has shouted in my ear two weeks in a row. If he does it next week, I honestly fear losing it.

He's one huge distraction, a colossal headache, and I cannot tolerate being in his presence. My wife is migraine-prone and he is incapable of having an indoor voice for longer than about fifteen seconds after someone tells him to shush.


I honestly don't know how much longer we can keep this up.




Is the host's new wife part of the gaming group, or is she a significant other who's in the house when you're gaming?


If the latter, it sounds like the whole gaming group could use a change of venue. And I'm thinking your host would appreciate a night out, away from the demon-child....

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Re: The cranky thread


What do you mean' date=' 'pretend'?[/quote']


There's a Vonnegut quote I think should be required reading for all RPG-ers: (esp. jerks who always play sociopaths)


Be careful what you pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be.


Cyborg? Fine. Super? Ok. Starship Crew? All the time! But I take no small amount of umbrage that I would EVER stoop to playing a *&^%$#@! elf.

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Re: The cranky thread




Is the host's new wife part of the gaming group, or is she a significant other who's in the house when you're gaming?


If the latter, it sounds like the whole gaming group could use a change of venue. And I'm thinking your host would appreciate a night out, away from the demon-child....


At this point, somewhere in the middle ... she'll join in on card or board games, but isn't really interested in RPGs it seems ('Just tell me what dice to roll.' She seems to have no interest in either learning the rules of any RPGs or RPing in general). She's taken more to sitting on the couch and using her laptop to do stuff while we game around her.

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Re: The cranky thread


For the second time, I've been forced to cancel my long-awaited visit with my old gaming group in MD, again at the last minute.


This time for two reasons: 1) there's a blizzard headed for the Appalachians tomorrow, with 5 to 8" of snow expected. I don't think I'd get through that. And 2) somehow I seriously screwed up my back at work yesterday, and an 11-hour drive isn't a good idea until it heals up.


So I'm sitting at home, watching Black Lagoon and medicating my deflicted back with shots of Jager. I took massive doses of Alleve today already -- guess which one works better!

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Re: The cranky thread


Cars hate me.


Earlier this week my wife's car died. She couldn't start it. Jump started, it ran fine, headlights bright. Try to shift gears, it dies. EVERY TIME.


She borrowed my dad's Aerostar until we get this figured out.


Last night I got a flat on the way home. Below freezing, no decent flashlight, in the S-CUrve section of the dirt road we live on, where people commonly drive well over the 35 mph speed limit...


This morning I started both vehicles to warm them up and defrost them.

My wife comes in and asks me "Is there any trick to getting in when the doors are locked?" YEP, you got it, the doors automatically locked. So Then I had to figure out a way into the van. I used to have a key to it, but I think I gave it to her another time she had to use the van. After 20-25 minutes, I finally got in. Without even breaking a window!!


When I was half way to my son's kindergarten, (20 minutes late)I realized that the keys to my 20 year old Subaru were not in the ignition. After 215k miles, it is easy to pull the keys and it will keep running. Fortunately it is so loose that I was able to use a different key that was sitting around to turn it off and back on.


Then I got to the tire dealership to have the flat repaired. In the poor light last night, I thought I saw a nail in the tread. No big deal.


2.5 hours later, they tell me that it is done. The hole was actually in the sidewall, so they had to put a new tire on. FOrtunately I had the replacement insurance for these tires... so only 10 bucks.


Whatta Day.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm cranky that I'm cranky. (I'm a little better feeling than I was a couple hours ago.) We were supposed to go to a retirement party tonight and bring a dish. I misunderstood, and I didn't make anything today.

My wife also wasn't feeling up to it, but I'm obligated to go. And I know the entire time I'm there I'll be asked is she there, why not, how's she doing, etc... I'm stressed since we're at a brink of a bunch of tests and I can't do a thing about it. Got home, took a pain pill for my knees (the weather getting colder is really felt this last week), mixed a drink and sat down at the computer. Thankfully, a couple people were being silly on FB and that helped a lot.

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Re: The cranky thread


Cars hate me.


Earlier this week my wife's car died. She couldn't start it. Jump started, it ran fine, headlights bright. Try to shift gears, it dies. EVERY TIME.


She borrowed my dad's Aerostar until we get this figured out.


Last night I got a flat on the way home. Below freezing, no decent flashlight, in the S-CUrve section of the dirt road we live on, where people commonly drive well over the 35 mph speed limit...


This morning I started both vehicles to warm them up and defrost them.

My wife comes in and asks me "Is there any trick to getting in when the doors are locked?" YEP, you got it, the doors automatically locked. So Then I had to figure out a way into the van. I used to have a key to it, but I think I gave it to her another time she had to use the van. After 20-25 minutes, I finally got in. Without even breaking a window!!


When I was half way to my son's kindergarten, (20 minutes late)I realized that the keys to my 20 year old Subaru were not in the ignition. After 215k miles, it is easy to pull the keys and it will keep running. Fortunately it is so loose that I was able to use a different key that was sitting around to turn it off and back on.


Then I got to the tire dealership to have the flat repaired. In the poor light last night, I thought I saw a nail in the tread. No big deal.


2.5 hours later, they tell me that it is done. The hole was actually in the sidewall, so they had to put a new tire on. FOrtunately I had the replacement insurance for these tires... so only 10 bucks.


Whatta Day.


Your insurance covers tires?


That's interesting. I didn't know anyone did that, ever.

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