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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


My condolences to you and your family CC.



And in my own little slice of hell..... the Hits just keep on coming. The divorce got finalized. yay. Still haven't seen dime 1 of the settlement. And then I had to have abdominal hernia surgery. The first day back to work from surgery (today).... I found out my entire department has been eliminated. Go home.


Yay me. FML. It's really getting hard to stay positive.....

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Re: The cranky thread


Condolences to CC and Red Eagle. (I'd pray for you too, but when I try talking to God I can't even get his voice mail.)


The migraines have been worse, of late, probably because I ran low on meds and cut my dose in half over the weekend so I wouldn't run out altogether until payday. It didn't really help, because I missed work today. Finally got to the pharmacy this evening and re-stocked. There goes a hundred bucks. Also have a past-due electric bill for the big heat wave: $365, and that's just for July. The one for August will probably be bigger. (There's a serious downside to this "house-sitting" gig!)


Spent a few hours today feebly trying to work on a last-minute article for Haymaker, but my computer didn't want to cooperate and it just wouldn't come together. So, nothing to send in for this issue, and several hours of wasted effort.


And last night I walked home from work because my truck had a flat tire. So first thing tomorrow morning I'm putting on the spare and then it's off to the tire shop. I already know what they're going to say: "How'd that truck get so dirty?" And I'll answer the same way I always do: "I drove through lots of dirt." Stupid question, really.

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Re: The cranky thread


There are bees in my crawlspace. I'm allergic to bees. Some are somehow finding their way through the floor into the house. Something that can kill me is finding its way into my house.


And this is the 5th most urgent problem on my list.


Back when one of my former landlords was selling the land off piecemeal, the bulldozers dug up an old 40 gallon drum in the backyard, that bees had discovered and were nesting in. Oh, how I laughed. They moved into the laundry. I stopped laughing.

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Re: The cranky thread


There are bees in my crawlspace. I'm allergic to bees. Some are somehow finding their way through the floor into the house. Something that can kill me is finding its way into my house.


And this is the 5th most urgent problem on my list.

Sounds familiar: I learned that I was dangerously allergic to certain types of indoor dust shortly after I started working in a call-center. "Hilarity ensues"... ehhhh... not so much...


I've been in an emergency room / urgent care clinic four times in my life. This accounted for two of them.


Fortunately, several years worth of shots later...


As far as the bees go, one possible way to look at it: If your house being on fire were any of problems 1-4, number 5 would be resolved. :P


Seriously though, have you looked at getting a motel room for a while to have exterminators deal with them?

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Re: The cranky thread


There are bees in my crawlspace. I'm allergic to bees. Some are somehow finding their way through the floor into the house. Something that can kill me is finding its way into my house.


And this is the 5th most urgent problem on my list.


Look into the yellow pages under "beekeepers". They're experts and always willing to acquire a healthy swarm.

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Re: The cranky thread


There are bees in my crawlspace. I'm allergic to bees. Some are somehow finding their way through the floor into the house. Something that can kill me is finding its way into my house.


And this is the 5th most urgent problem on my list.




evacuate the house and throw a bug bomb into the crawlspace?

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Re: The cranky thread


evacuate the house and throw a bug bomb into the crawlspace?

Assuming you don't get stung in the process, you're still stuck with disposing of a lot of dead bees. Generally part of an exterminator's job. :)


As for the beekeeper thing, I'd never have thought of THAT, but I'm from Arizona. Not a lotta beekeepers there. Worth a shot, I imagine.

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Re: The cranky thread


I got stung by a yellow jacket on Tuesday, I'm guessing he got caught between my camera strap and arm and lashed out. Thankfully I don't react much though the sting spot still itches today. I've probably been stung ~1000 times by them by now. Most during my childhood.


Yesterday went up to Zion Canyon to try to get a handle on a friend dying Tuesday night from surgery complications. The weather was perfect for it. Overcast on the way in, and the rain was pouring on the way back with the side canyons full of muddy water.


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Re: The cranky thread


I got stung by a yellow jacket on Tuesday, I'm guessing he got caught between my camera strap and arm and lashed out. Thankfully I don't react much though the sting spot still itches today. I've probably been stung ~1000 times by them by now. Most during my childhood.


Yesterday went up to Zion Canyon to try to get a handle on a friend dying Tuesday night from surgery complications. The weather was perfect for it. Overcast on the way in, and the rain was pouring on the way back with the side canyons full of muddy water.[/url]


My condolences.

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