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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Didn't get a lot done today -- spent most of it fighting with one problem after another at a single job site. (I usually work three, maybe four.)


Responded to a request for follow-up testing on an oil well which had been "pulled" for maintenance recently. Found no place to attach the echometer, so back to the shop to scrounge up an adapter. There's really no such animal, so I had to improvise and it was almost lunch by the time I found something suitable. It was a rusty, dirty old 3 1/4" to 2" reducer, so I ate lunch with hands smelling like parts cleaner.


After lunch, the "adapter" still smelled so strongly of parts cleaner the fumes just about sickened me. Pulled over and moved the *&^%$#@! thing to the back of the truck, drove back to the job site with the windows down. It's 90 degrees. Complete echometer testing and find the well is mostly full of fluid -- not a good sign.


Dynamometer testing is next, at which point a new problem presents itself. There's a safety clamp on the pump, exactly where I need to mount the *&^%$#@! dynamometer. They usually come off easily enough with a pipe wrench, but this is a huge unit with a five foot stroke (you see where this is going....) Put the pipe wrench on the clamp when it comes into reach on the downstroke, find out the nut's waaay too tight, and go for a ride dangling from the pipe wrench on the upstroke. Let go and drop to the ground, get "cheater pipe" out of truck, loosen up nut/bolt on safety clamp. Nothing happens.


Safety clamp's jaws are locked on the rod like a *&^%$#@! pit bull, and remain so even after I waste half a can of WD-40 on them. Drive back to the shop AGAIN and scrounge up the biggest pry-bar available, plus a hack-saw, just in case. Drive back to the job site AGAIN, shut down pump and apply brakes to stop the clamp near ground level. Put pry bar on safety clamp. Jaws spin around the rod several times without parting. Screw lock-bolt back on, use pry bar again. After several minutes of prying, safety clamp is off. Sh!t-can it.


Dynamometer test results are every bit as bad as the echometer... well has too much fluid in the hole. Apply brakes to test traveling valve, dynamometer trace shows valve is no good -- mystery solved, this is likely why the hole's full of fluid. Apply brakes to test stationary valve, brake cable snaps! No further valve tests. Now I'm realy starting to hate this *&^%$#@! well.


Check fluid output and composition. 210 barrels a day; rather a lot for a malfunctioning pump, actually. Oil content: exactly zero. Mostly it's water.


Why do I bother? At this point it's quitting time. Not exactly a "typical" workday.

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Re: The cranky thread


I am seriously starting to wonder whether keeping the house is worth putting up with this job.




darn, I am sorry you are so stressed. If you need to vent over the phone some time, let me know and I'll give you my number. I believe I have unlimited night and weekends, so I could call you back...


Are you underwater on the house?


My dad had another spinal fusion this week. the Doc says it went really well, but at 72...

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm actually not underwater on the house. Sometimes I wish I were so I could justify walking away. But OTOH I'm not having spinal fusions or dialyses or trips to the hospital for mystery abdominal pain.


Thanks for the offer on the phone number, by the way. Just the offer means a lot.

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Re: The cranky thread


The last time I got stuck working a mid-shift (for an entire year), I ended up battling serious insomnia and depression for the three years that followed. This time around, the shift work is "only" for four months. Nothing has yet allayed my sense of dread at the prospect of the remaining three...

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Re: The cranky thread


Had to have an angioplasty ... which I was really surprised was a procedure that could be done with a local anaesthetic and as a 'well' date=' let's see if we need it ... yep, we do' kind of thing. Not painful to undergo, really, but definitely uncomfortable.[/quote']


Dude, that's... kind of major, isn't it? Anyway I'm glad you had it prior to the catastrophic heart attack.

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