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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Sleep deprivation headache.


Urk. I remember those. I don't get them any more.


Nowadays, I just get sleep deprivation, for days on end, without the headache. Then when I finally manage to catch up on my sleep, I wake up with a *&^%$#@ migraine.


I think I'd just as soon stay sleep deprived....


Anyways, get some rest, Old Man.

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Re: The cranky thread


My Air Conditioner is broken also. Fortunately it is not too hot here right now and there is a cool breeze. The Man said the coil must thaw all night, it is frozen solid. Then he will go up on the roof and fix it. I will ask if he wants me to stand there and pound on it so he knows which one it is as they are not marked.

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Re: The cranky thread


I had to go out today to fax some paperwork to the unemployment department*, and while wandering around looking if anyone had openings listed, I somehow dropped my cell phone. The only good news from that is that I have the insurance on it, and they are sending me a replacement. Of course, that was $100 I wish I didn't have to pay.



*My call center was outsourced to the Philippines earlier this month, and, due to some shenanigans with the process, I had to prove that it was a layoff.

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Re: The cranky thread


I had to go out today to fax some paperwork to the unemployment department*, and while wandering around looking if anyone had openings listed, I somehow dropped my cell phone. The only good news from that is that I have the insurance on it, and they are sending me a replacement. Of course, that was $100 I wish I didn't have to pay.



*My call center was outsourced to the Philippines earlier this month, and, due to some shenanigans with the process, I had to prove that it was a layoff.



great, more unintelligible marketing and service calls...


Good luck!

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Re: The cranky thread


I had to go out today to fax some paperwork to the unemployment department*, and while wandering around looking if anyone had openings listed, I somehow dropped my cell phone. The only good news from that is that I have the insurance on it, and they are sending me a replacement. Of course, that was $100 I wish I didn't have to pay.



*My call center was outsourced to the Philippines earlier this month, and, due to some shenanigans with the process, I had to prove that it was a layoff.


Gah! Bad enough your employer outsourced your job to save money, but going the extra mile to make it look like you and your co-workers weren't laid off so they cuold avoid paying unemployment insurance is a truly weasel-worthy maneuver. You have my sympathies.

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Re: The cranky thread


My Air Conditioner is broken also. Fortunately it is not too hot here right now and there is a cool breeze. The Man said the coil must thaw all night' date=' it is frozen solid. Then he will go up on the roof and fix it. I will ask if he wants me to stand there and pound on it so he knows which one it is as they are not marked.[/quote']


I just have a window unit in the kitchen, so replacing it won't be too burdensome.

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Re: The cranky thread


The bottom of my foot has been in pain for over a month now. I didn't injure it while working out; indeed, I haven't been working out much these last few months. But it doesn't get any better. Last night I was in so much pain I had trouble sleeping.

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Re: The cranky thread


The bottom of my foot has been in pain for over a month now. I didn't injure it while working out; indeed' date=' I haven't been working out much these last few months. But it doesn't get any better. Last night I was in so much pain I had trouble sleeping.[/quote']



What part of your foot?

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Re: The cranky thread


The arch. My sister thinks I just need some support for it.



Is it really tight when you wake up in the morning, needs to stretch out a bit? Walk on the outside of the foot until it stretches?


If so, get some arch supports NOW! Planar Fascitis is nothing to play with (sadly I am still healing) and even if it doesn't cause that, it can cause little tears in the tissue that are a royal pain.

A fairly cheap over the counter insole might be all you need.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'll get myself some of those Dr. Scholl's inserts and try to get an appointment with a doctor. Thanks for the advice.


By the way, will I still be able to do my workouts?



When I first started having problems, I looked into wearing wrestling shoes with arch inserts in them. That might be an option for you. Or maybe a soft moccasin with inserts. actually, that might just work...

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Re: The cranky thread


I can't remember if I posted this or not.


Next week, I get to go down to Columbia (90 mile drive) to get my fistula (dialysis access) scanned. The nurses are having issues with it, and suspect a possible stenosis (blockage/narrowing). If there is one, fixing it may be a fairly simple matter; or, it may not. Considering the keloid scarring I suffer, I'm suspecting something more invasive will be required.

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Re: The cranky thread


Steroid shot to the knee didn't seem to work. The knee that got the treatment is now about the same as before. We got hit with some unexpected bills with both cars (though if I had planned better, I could of compensated, which pisses me off more). So, no knee stuff until next year when we might be able to afford it, but in the meantime we're going to as close to zero expenses that we can, since the housing taxes are due in November and it's $300 more than last year. Somehow, in a county where I've seen quite a few houses unsold for the last four years, our house is worth more this year than last. And they raised the rates...

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