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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


It is really, really difficult to keep my productivity up in the face of this long running case of burnout. I've been on this new job for two months and my to do list just keeps getting longer and longer despite the ten-hour days. It pays just enough to barely cover my expenses, to the point where I'm looking for freelance work to do on the side, but if the union strikes then I'm supposed to put in twelve-hour shifts six days a week, which would prevent even that. I wake up at 4 A.M. and start thinking about work and the mortgage, and then I can't get back to sleep. Five months after the layoff, I'm still in a position where a car breakdown or prolonged illness would cost me the house. As it is, I'm watching that house slowly disintegrate because we can't afford to fix or replace anything. I see people around me who need help and I can't do anything for them at all. And through it all I try to keep up appearances. I can't show weakness at work and I can't frighten the family at home. I hate to whine and be negative, but the fact is that I've been living in a state of constant, growing terror for years.

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Re: The cranky thread


Peace and prayers for you Old Man.


Me? I've been having a knockdown drag-out with bronchitis all week. I wake up in the morning and it feels like I can barely breathe. When I try to cough, my lungs rattle on intake, but when exhaling I get no traction. Ginger tea helps, and after a few hours I feel almost normal. Then I go to bed at night and wake up the next morning feeling like hell. I want my old immune system back, the one that kicks a cold's ass in less than a week. :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm spread a little thin here, myself. Got my full-time day job, another book to write (which I shall NOT complain about) but two relatives are out of town, so I'm in charge of caring/feeding for the following:


four cats (two of which are mine)

one enormous dog

three horses

an unknown number of ducks (two dozen, maybe?)

and one human (me!)


I'm nearly broke because of back-to-back road trips: I was gone almost a week for GenCon, which was not only expensive in and of itself, but unpaid leave as well because I've been on the job less than six months -- then the day I got back to the office, I was scheduled for a training seminar the following week. Echometer school. Columbus, OH. Talk about excitement! [/sarcasm]


Upon my return from exotic Ohio, the electric bill was waiting for me. The one with the monster A/C usage from the heat wave. So, I am now twice as close to flat-@$$ broke.


At least feeding the cats/dogs/horses/ducks doesn't cost much -- but people food is expensive. I really wish I could just go buy myself a 100-lb bag of "Purina Bachelor Chow" and be done with it!

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks for the well wishes, all.


One of the things that makes me ashamed to vent about this stuff is the fact that I still have my health. The stress is undoubtedly taking years off my life but at least I'm not ill or in and out of the hospital like some other NGDers.

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Re: The cranky thread


At least feeding the cats/dogs/horses/ducks doesn't cost much -- but people food is expensive. I really wish I could just go buy myself a 100-lb bag of "Purina Bachelor Chow" and be done with it!


The genius who invents "Purina Bachelor Chow" will become a millionaire overnight.

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Re: The cranky thread


I thought that was what TV dinners were.


You need to cook those. To be true "chow" in the Purina sense, you need to be able to eat it right out of the bag. No, it will never be as healthy as real food, but if it is at least nutritious enough to not kill you out right, and as cheap as anything named "Bachelor Chow" ought to be, then bachelors and college students, alike, would buy it by the carload.

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Re: The cranky thread


You need to cook those. To be true "chow" in the Purina sense' date=' you need to be able to eat it right out of the bag. No, it will never be as healthy as real food, but if it is at least nutritious enough to not kill you out right, and as cheap as anything named "Bachelor Chow" ought to be, then bachelors and college students, alike, would buy it by the carload.[/quote']


D00D! SRSLY. That's what the "Bag Cereals" at your local supermarket are. If you live close to a WinCo foods, they might have counterfeit "Cheerios" in the bulk food bins. "Nut and Honey Holey Oats Cereal, 17¢/lb."

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Re: The cranky thread


And my birthday was an Imperial A$$load of absolute suck.


My plans for tonight got cancelled on me today. So did my plans for the weekend. Within 30-minutes of each other. Right at the tail-end of a stressful day at work.


Happy $%^&!*@ Birthday!




I hope someone makes it up to you...

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Re: The cranky thread


It is really' date=' really difficult to keep my productivity up in the face of this long running case of burnout. I've been on this new job for two months and my to do list just keeps getting longer and longer despite the ten-hour days. It pays just enough to barely cover my expenses, to the point where I'm looking for freelance work to do on the side, but if the union strikes then I'm supposed to put in twelve-hour shifts six days a week, which would prevent even that. I wake up at 4 A.M. and start thinking about work and the mortgage, and then I can't get back to sleep. Five months after the layoff, I'm still in a position where a car breakdown or prolonged illness would cost me the house. As it is, I'm watching that house slowly disintegrate because we can't afford to fix or replace anything. I see people around me who need help and I can't do anything for them at all. And through it all I try to keep up appearances. I can't show weakness at work and I can't frighten the family at home. I hate to whine and be negative, but the fact is that I've been living in a state of constant, growing terror for years.[/quote']




Damnit, Good luck. It sucks to live in the "Brittle Class." If you can think of any way I can help, let me know.

Last night on the way home I t-boned a suicidal Whitetail. Car still works, headlights are not pointing where they are supposed to, It seems the hood still releases and the radiator was not compromised, as far as I can tell... 91 subaru loyale with 207k miles. Now I need to check whether we had comp insurance on it or just collision.


Monday Tavish goes in to have the Frenulum under his tongue clipped, he is tongue-tied enough that he can't make some sounds. In two weeks he starts Kindergarten. I need to switch our sleep cycles around so we get up at 0630 or 0700 instead of my normal 0900. If I am not at work I can fall asleep sitting down even after a full pot of coffee. Despite being on a C-PAP machine for almost two years.


I used to think I was very intelligent. Not a genius, but pretty smart in at least some ways. I have always known I lacked "ambition" or " motivation." Now I think I am not stupid, and that is about all I can really say with honesty. It took me 6 months to pay off my last visits to the doctors, and now I need to do it again. I need to tell him that my anti-depressants are not really doing the job anymore. So probably MORE meds, MORE cost...


Damn, too bad we can't all manage some kind of get-together so we can all sit around a camp fire, vent all our personal frustrations, and have enough beer to relax things. Then go in and have a marathon gaming weekend.


One good thing, I found out that Paladin Press had some "Scruffy" copies of "Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproduction" for sale at 75% off. At that price, I could actually afford it. Yay me.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm spread a little thin here, myself. Got my full-time day job, another book to write (which I shall NOT complain about) but two relatives are out of town, so I'm in charge of caring/feeding for the following:


four cats (two of which are mine)

one enormous dog

three horses

an unknown number of ducks (two dozen, maybe?)

and one human (me!)


I'm nearly broke because of back-to-back road trips: I was gone almost a week for GenCon, which was not only expensive in and of itself, but unpaid leave as well because I've been on the job less than six months -- then the day I got back to the office, I was scheduled for a training seminar the following week. Echometer school. Columbus, OH. Talk about excitement! [/sarcasm]


Upon my return from exotic Ohio, the electric bill was waiting for me. The one with the monster A/C usage from the heat wave. So, I am now twice as close to flat-@$$ broke.


At least feeding the cats/dogs/horses/ducks doesn't cost much -- but people food is expensive. I really wish I could just go buy myself a 100-lb bag of "Purina Bachelor Chow" and be done with it!


For bachelor chow, I find that stewed tomatoes with a little bacon in them, served hot over toast (or noodles or rice) with cheese on it (velveeta melts nicely, but is NOT cheese) goes over well. So does a big batch of oatmeal, chop an apple into it, a spoonful or two of molasses, some ginger, cloves, allspice, raisins, maybe some slivered nuts if you have them... Eat a huge bowl, then pour the rest into a cakepan, sprinkle a little brown sugar over it, and cover with saran wrap. Put it in the fridge, cut out a big slab when you are hungry, throw one in a ziploc for lunch...


A lot of our problems would go away If I wasn't paying over 1500 a year feeding my wife's Horse. I figure it is costing at least $125 a month, probably averaging more like 160.



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Re: The cranky thread


D00D! SRSLY. That's what the "Bag Cereals" at your local supermarket are. If you live close to a WinCo foods' date=' they might have counterfeit "Cheerios" in the bulk food bins. "Nut and Honey Holey Oats Cereal, 17¢/lb."




if you have a WInco, see if they have Zoi (?) brand greek style yogurt with honey. I am seriously addicted to the stuff. who needs Ice Cream?

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Re: The cranky thread


Um. Can't horses eat grass?





Can't people eat horses? :ugly:



Horses can eat grass, but our land doesn't have enough to feed a goat. mostly scrub trees. Her pladdock is about 1-2 acres, but she has stamped it to raw dirt. Grass hay, 2 bales $23.50, about 5-6 times a month.


I do try to console myself by calling the horse the "Emergency Meat Supply"

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Re: The cranky thread


I am very pi$$ed off at my cat Star right now. I'm so pi$$ed I actually slapped her, something I have never done before. I had just put down a new water bowl and went to work in the kitchen when she grabbed the rug the food and water bowls are on and pulled hard, spilling the water and food on the carpet. She has never done anything like that before. She da%n well better never do it again. Now I'm too pi$$ed off to sleep.

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Re: The cranky thread


The genius who invents "Purina Bachelor Chow" will become a millionaire overnight.


The Mayfair Games product Martian Rails (part of the Empire Builder line) features "Bachelor Chow" as one of the commodities to be delivered. We speculated that it was a perfect blend of pizza and pop-tarts, to be washed down with beer.

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