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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I had to take the anti-restless leg syndrome medication which makes my eyes look small and tired and is addictive. Off I go to a Convention full of pretty young girls in sexy costumes and I'll be this fat old woman with half-lidded, puffy eyes.

I must get off all psychiatric medications except maybe the Antidepressant or I may become the shut-in Crazy Cat Lady.

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Re: The cranky thread


I had to take the anti-restless leg syndrome medication which makes my eyes look small and tired and is addictive. Off I go to a Convention full of pretty young girls in sexy costumes and I'll be this fat old woman with half-lidded, puffy eyes.

I must get off all psychiatric medications except maybe the Antidepressant or I may become the shut-in Crazy Cat Lady.

I'm pretty sure psychiatric medications are supposed to help you avoid becoming a shut-in Crazy Cat Lady. :)


Although I know someone who has that as her goal in life...

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Re: The cranky thread


I had to take the anti-restless leg syndrome medication which makes my eyes look small and tired and is addictive. Off I go to a Convention full of pretty young girls in sexy costumes and I'll be this fat old woman with half-lidded, puffy eyes.

I must get off all psychiatric medications except maybe the Antidepressant or I may become the shut-in Crazy Cat Lady.


...and some of us cranky old farts will be very glad to see you at said Convention, SatinKitty! I was afraid you'd miss out this year.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thursday evening two weeks ago my main computer died. I spilled an almost-full glass of soda on it. :shock::cry:


I was so upset I went into a deep blue funk. It was a week before I remembered I might have bought the Service Agreement this time. Saturday I took it into Best Buy to see if they could fix it. It's covered! Yaay!


They couldn't recover any data from the hard drive. All those PDFs, pictures, and works-in-progress -- lost! I won't see it again until September. I'm just glad I hadn't gotten around to disposing of my old computer before this happened. The OC doesn't have 4G built in, but I can use it at wifi hotspots.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thursday evening two weeks ago my main computer died. I spilled an almost-full glass of soda on it. :shock::cry:


I was so upset I went into a deep blue funk. It was a week before I remembered I might have bought the Service Agreement this time. Saturday I took it into Best Buy to see if they could fix it. It's covered! Yaay!


They couldn't recover any data from the hard drive. All those PDFs, pictures, and works-in-progress -- lost! I won't see it again until September. I'm just glad I hadn't gotten around to disposing of my old computer before this happened. The OC doesn't have 4G built in, but I can use it at wifi hotspots.

...Well, that's sorta bad news, worse news, good news.

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Re: The cranky thread


...Well' date=' that's sorta bad news, worse news, good news.[/quote']


I take meds to help me keep an even keel, but sometimes the flood slops over the levee anyway. Another plus is that at my Psych. appt. today I learned that I've lost something like 20-25 pounds lately. Glad to know I'm doing something right.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thursday evening two weeks ago my main computer died. I spilled an almost-full glass of soda on it. :shock::cry:


I was so upset I went into a deep blue funk. It was a week before I remembered I might have bought the Service Agreement this time. Saturday I took it into Best Buy to see if they could fix it. It's covered! Yaay!


They couldn't recover any data from the hard drive. All those PDFs, pictures, and works-in-progress -- lost! I won't see it again until September. I'm just glad I hadn't gotten around to disposing of my old computer before this happened. The OC doesn't have 4G built in, but I can use it at wifi hotspots.


Never EVER toss a computer that you spilled stuff on. Most times a tech can just pull the Hard Drive, connect it to another computer and get your data with no issues. The only time it becomes nearly impossible is when the computer is fully immersed in Water (or other liquids) while running for enough time for said liquid to reach the HD. Even then there are services that can get your data back (if you are willing to pay for them).


Very glad the the Geek Squadders could get it fixed for you!

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Re: The cranky thread


Not cranky' date=' just sad. Friends of mine just lost their dad due to a single car accident. One is due to have her child in the next couple weeks.[/quote']


My condolences, lemming.


It's 5:15am. I haven't slept a wink. I have to be at dialysis by 7am. It's gonna be a long day.


I know the feeling. I've been pulling 11-hour shifts at work with less than 10 hours of sleep total for the last three days.

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Re: The cranky thread


And my birthday was an Imperial A$$load of absolute suck.


My plans for tonight got cancelled on me today. So did my plans for the weekend. Within 30-minutes of each other. Right at the tail-end of a stressful day at work.


Happy $%^&!*@ Birthday!

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Re: The cranky thread


So the new router worked with my computer for one day, now the computer can't get the internet or if it gets it it loses it soon after. Every other device on the network, including this Laptop, is working fine. OddHat will have to call tech support which he does not want to do.


Also there's a stack of shirts and pants to be ironed and I just don't want to. The time and energy it takes to keep a cotton garment looking good is ridiculous. I think I will take them to the dry cleaner and let him deal with them. I have rarely ironed in my life and just don't have the knack.

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